3 Reasons Asana is the Right Choice to Manage IT Projects

asana-news-recap-093016-1Asana is my choice for managing IT projects. I’ve managed big IT projects for large government agencies and financial institutions. Indeed, I wish Asana had been available to use on those projects. However, I was stuck using MS Project. That’s a nightmare I don’t wish to experience again. I’ve used Asana to manage projects since then.

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Asana and other Software Every Marketing Grad Should Know

asana-news-recap-093016-2I’ve met plenty of people in the marketing space, new and experienced alike, that don’t have experience in or knowledge of even some of the most basic tools. In fact, I’ve met people that have never used a CMS.

If you’re a fresh graduate in particular, I really think there is no excuse for not having sampled at least some of the commonly used and freely available marketing tools on the market. In your career, it’s important to keep up-to-date with the trends and tools. Thus, here are some of the tools, like Asana for productivity, that you should take a few hours this weekend to learn.

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Asana and 6 Other Cool Business Meeting Apps

asana-news-recap-093016-3Meetings are an essential part of every professional’s work life. But at times pulling off a successful meeting can be challenging too.

Asana is a must have app for successful meetings. Once you sign up for the app, you can create a group for your meeting and add attendees to it. You can add tasks to be done, check for notifications about projects, tasks as well as conversations you are following.

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Using Asana and Simple Solutions to Working From Home

asana-news-recap-093016-4There are pros and cons of working from home. Some people find themselves able to complete more quality work from a quieter space, such as their home office. Project management tools will definitely help keep you organized throughout the day. For instance, some to try (free or low fees) include Evernote, Trello and Asana. One of those tools or a combination could be a helpful way to organize your day and they don’t need to be complicated.

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Asana for Project Management – Interview with Gerasimos Tsiamalos

asana-news-recap-093016-5Gerasimos Tsiamalos is a talented web designer and the co-founder of CSSIgniter – a premium WordPress theme and plugin shop based in Greece. PremiumWP are big fans of CSSIgniter. We reached out to Gerasimos for an interview, which he graciously agreed to, in order to learn more about him and CSSIgniter.

When asked about tools and services, Gerasimos responded: “I’m trying to keep our monthly expenses to a minimum. We use Asana for project management, Slack, Mailchimp for email marketing, Beanstalk for our SVN repository. Also, Ahrefs for backlink, keyword tracking, Olark for our live chat and Fastspring as a payment gateway.”

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Content Marketing Platform – Not a PM Software Like Asana

asana-news-recap-093016-6A content marketing platform (CMP) is a single environment for teams to collaborate on content for all phases of customers lifecycle. Accordingly, CMPs replace spreadsheets, emails and other unintegrated tools, helping marketers automate and streamline processes, centralize strategic documents, improve distribution efficiency and analyze content performance. Which in turn results in better content.

CMPs differ from project management software. In brief, PM software are used for project planning, scheduling, resource allocation, collaboration and communication between project stakeholders. Examples are Trello, Asana and Basecamp.

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Asana and other Tools Our Marketing and Sales Teams Can’t Live Without

asana-news-recap-093016-7I’ve been working on a complete list of the tools and programs we use. It turns out, we use A LOT of them! Hence, here are the 30 tools our marketing and sales teams use all day, every day, for content development and social media management to influencer marketing, communication and organization.

For project management, we use Asana. Keep your personal to-do lists, team projects, upcoming tasks, group conversations and instructions, important files and updates all in the one place, and have a unicorn pop up to congratulate you when you tick things off. What’s not to love!

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How To Make The Most of Distributed Teams With Apps Like Asana

asana-news-recap-093016-8We love the flexibility and work-life balance that working remotely affords us. And, having been at it for several years already, we’ve learned a lot about how to coordinate with one another, circumventing the pitfalls of limited face-to-face activity. As long as your profession is more digitally oriented than not, you should be able to work from wherever you like.

Email and all kinds of collaborative messaging applications enable both synchronous and asynchronous communication with team members, clients, service providers, and any other relevant stakeholders. Apps for project management make this easy, and some of the best in class – Asana and Trello come to mind specifically – even offer free versions, while premium products like Slack and Basecamp are so useful that they’ve built cult-like followings.

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Asana News: Tracking Dividend Growth, Employee Monitoring, and more