In-The-News-TrelloTrello continues to be popular with professionals and teams, whether for business communications or for social media applications. In this news list, we present how an architect created an e-book about working with projects using Trello project management in Working With Trello-PM. Also, the team behind Flock communication app details in their blog how the chat software can work with the popular productivity tool in an article titled Basics of Integration: Flock and Trello. Finally, a social media guru shares valuable tips in how to be organized using the app with her 10 Ways Trello Will Make You a Social Media Management Pro.

Working With Trello-PM

Architekwiki is a resource for architects and designers of buildings, and is a brainchild of Rick Wolnitzek. Rick founded an architectural firm in 1980, and based on his experience, he found out that experience is not enough for architects to solve the many problems they face. He believes that a standardized, checklist-based project management is the solution, and project objectives can be solved using Trello. In this article, he shared one of the key chapters in the e-book he wrote titled Trello-PM. The chapter discusses 8 steps in how to use a Master Template created in Trello for working on new projects.

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Basics of Integration: Flock and Trello

Flock is a free chat app for teams and businesses. It has recently launched an app store, and in this blog, the details and benefits of using the communication app together with Trello are given. Once integrated, Flock users will be able to receive activity updates and notifications for any changes that happen to the selected Trello board. A use case example was given, such that team members, regardless whether they are co-located or working remotely, will still receive real-time notification of any activity regarding a board that could represent a major project or a big product launch. With this integration, Flock users will always be informed on what is happening and changing in individual cards inside several Trello boards.

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10 Ways Trello Will Make You a Social Media Management Pro

Peg Fitzpatrick is a social media author, speaker and trainer. She has co-authored a book about the power and influence of social media, and she gives ideas to help readers get inspired and motivated. In this article, she gives a short introduction on Trello and how the online whiteboard with superpowers, as she described it, helped her get organized for managing her blog and other social media platforms. She lists in 10 steps how users can start building their boards, create their checklists, add labels and so on, to ultimately curate content, organize blogs, manage projects and achieve their goals. She also gave some shortcuts such as the use of search operators to save time while searching for items.

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How Bloguettes Improved Organization and Productivity With Trello
Trello's Advice on Freemium SaaS to Aspiring Entrepreneurs with Kristen Habacht