What is Bridge24?
Enhance your project management tool
Bridge24 is a complementary power application currently available for Asana, Trello and Basecamp. It dynamically connects to your account and provides incredible features to visualize, filter, edit, export and more.
Bridge24 is built for project planners and managers, normal day-to-day users and those requiring reporting capabilities for their light project management application. Bridge24 is filling the feature gap.
Features during the Free trial are unlimited or limited?
When signing up for Bridge24 you are provided a Free 7-day account for the trial period. There is one feature that limited/disabled, that being the raw Export feature to Excel and CSV. However, export is enabled for Charts and Reports.
How does Bridge24 connect to my Data?
We use the official APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) created by the providers to connect to your account and retrieve/display/update your data. Access rights are maintained with your connection.

“Been looking for a better query/reporting tool with bi-directional updating for a while that works with other PM software programs. Just logged and all I can say is awesome! Bridge24 is exactly what I have been looking for and is going to help me a lot.”
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