basecamp top 5 addonsBasecamp project management and collaboration software is a favorite tool by startup teams and small-to-medium size businesses. It is a very effective tool in helping everyone organize themselves and their work. The simple interface is designed intuitively such that people are communicating more frequently and more clearly. They have a central space where they can see their teams, tasks and projects in greater context relative to the whole business and organization. The tools help the teams practice PM methods that result in saved time and higher productivity. As companies grow, many of them however become aware of missing features that can help them gain better insight and control.

The Top 5

Basecamp provides tools that are better alternatives to email in terms of requesting or sending information to team members. Users can easily see and track their tasks, hold discussions, and set reminders. They can easily request or generate status updates and reports, find important documents, use with emails, and work on the go. It is a lean and dependable work platform that also boasts of an API that provides integration. In light of this, we present 5 add-ons that extends the online PM platform for a more comprehensive solution.

1. Bridge24 for Basecamp

Bridge24 for Basecamp enhances user experience by giving them more options in viewing and manipulating their project data. The one-click dynamic connectivity is seamless and provides perfect sync. Users are sure that they are seeing the latest data. Likewise, any update they make is applied in real-time to Basecamp. The Power Grid provides users a flexible grid view where they can apply filters. Users can then export filtered data to Excel or CSV format. They can also use the Kanban Board where they can reorder tasks, and move them from list to list. Other features include a Calendar view, image preview, uploading of attachments, and language support for English, French or Spanish. Moreover, all these are for free.

2. TimeCamp

timecamp-logoTimeCamp is a time tracking software that can help Basecamp users track billable time. Agencies and other businesses that bill by the hour can benefit greatly with this add-on. They can track the time of any task in Basecamp, so companies are sure to remain profitable. It also has timesheet and automated approval features. Other features include invoicing and attendance monitoring/analysis. TimeCamp also helps users gain insight of where hours are spent and how productive the teams are with their work.

3. Ganttify

ganttify-logoGanttify provides Basecamp users a free Gantt chart in just a few steps. Gantt charts are currently not available in Basecamp 3. Nevertheless, it is able to integrate to add-on services such as this to fill in the feature gap. To use Ganttify, users are required to create an account at their site, authorize the integration, and from there, choose a project. The add-on will then create the Gantt chart. User account features and a remember me check box keeps the sign-on process simple. SSL security keeps the connection safe, while providing users a project view that they can save, share and print.

4. Everhour

everhour-logo-1Everhour is also a time-tracking add-on for Basecamp. It provides users the ability to track time right inside the PM application. As they open their to-dos, they can see the total time spent on each item in a natively, unobtrusive display. Furthermore, Basecamp users can set estimates for their tasks and track their time, either with the online timer or using the calendar to enter via a manual process. Everhour also provides users a number of comprehensive time reports. The report lays out information such as task type, status, estimated time, remaining time, and progress. Users can freely build the layout of the reports with as many columns needed.

5. Toggl

toggl-logoToggl is another time tracking add-on that works across multiple platforms. For integrations such as with Basecamp, it is available through a Chrome extension. Basecamp users can track anything using the automatic online timer or by manually entering time. It can help teams boost their productivity by showing team progress. Users can also use it to bill client project time. All these reports are available as with the ability to export timesheets. As a multi-platform add-on, users can use it on desktops at the office or on mobile devices while on the go. It syncs in real-time, so tracking can be continuous and uninterrupted. Other features include color code of projects, sub projects, user groups, dashboards, billable rates, and more. Check out this comprehensive toggl review.


Basecamp is a simple, intuitive and dependable project tracking and collaboration software. It is designed to help users effectively manage their projects and client work. The communication tools included help ensure that everyone is on the same page, and nothing falls into cracks. It is a great platform for add-ons that provide more flexible views and better control of their data. These equip businesses and companies to better respond to more complex challenges as they deliver and complete their projects successfully.

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