We are keeping busy here are Bridge24. The past month or so has seen a number of improvements and new features to make your reporting and exporting more powerful and easier.

New Charts & Reports

Charts and Reports by:

  • Completion Status (Asana, Trello, Basecamp) and Archived Status (Trello)
  • Label name & Tasks by label color (Asana, Trello)

New Pre-determined Due/Deadline date Filters

Quick access filters “by deadline” available from the left tree view for Basecamp, Trello, and AceProject (Asana coming).

Access Archived project contents (Basecamp)

Accessible from the left treeview or from a Personal filter. When selecting from the filter, the project is indicated with (Archived) or (Trashed) label

Rapid access to Completed tasks/cards/to-dos

Rapid access to view All tasks, to-dos, cards (including completed) directly in the Grid through new drop-down selector on the top right of the Grid interface. The options are: Incomplete (tasks) / All (tasks).



Performance Enhancements

Client/browser side caching for improved performance after first connection has been implemented for Basecamp and Trello. This greatly increases access times in the viewing of information within Bridge24.

Trial version release

On March 11th we moved from a limited freemium model, to an unlimited 7-day trial. All features are available with no limitations during the trial period. All free accounts have been converted and you can try everything out with no limitations on export, access to advanced reports, and more.

Upcoming Features

  • We will be implementing the usage of Custom field information in the Charts and Reports (Asana, Trello)
  • General report improvements including: sorting, all comments, etc, for all providers.
Wide fields and sorting now available in advanced reports
Bridge24 Launches Trello Export Excel Suite Chrome Extension