Asana Time Reports Now Available in Bridge24

The time tracking feature in Asana is highly valued by its users, yet Asana does not provide capabilities for generating comprehensive time reports from your entries. In Asana, users cannot access detailed time information for individual tasks or compile extensive time reports for their projects and tasks. Typically, only the cumulative hours are shown, without the ability to view individual time entry details.

Bridge24 has introduced a time reporting tool that allows for the display of detailed hours by task, project, and user. It enables the creation of consolidated time reports categorized by task, project, or user. Detailed time data can be viewed in the grid, within task reports, and on the task editing interface. Additionally, Bridge24 provides a panel that aggregates all time entries across all projects, tasks, and users.

Display the “Detailed Actual Time” column in the Grid View

When using the Grid View, you now have the option to include the “Detailed Actual Time” column. This feature provides a breakdown […]

By |2024-04-26T06:41:17-04:00April 15, 2024|

Top 10 Time Tracking Integrations for Asana

Many project management teams have become more productive and efficient in their work because of using collaboration software. These tools automate many of the tasks and allow users to save a lot of time and money. Among the most popular choices of teams is Asana, a tool for planning, sharing, and organizing work. Created by Dustin Moskovitz and Justin Rosenstein, Asana boasts of creating a virtual workspace for users to collaborate. The manager can easily create tasks, put comments, and attach files they can assign to their members. Users can also communicate with their team through the software’s messaging tools, like its message boards. Asana also helps teams manage their budgets, stay within them, and meet deadlines with quality output.

Asana is available in both free and paid versions. Users can access basic features with the free version, including tasks, archives, and searches. On the other hand, those subscribed to the paid one can take advantage of more advanced features. […]

By |2024-01-18T10:48:38-05:00January 10, 2024|

The Pros and Cons of using Asana Software

Asana is a widely used, highly rated, user-friendly web-based project management tool that businesses can employ. It enables teams to centralize everything from long-term objectives to day-to-day tasks, making it easier for team members to know their responsibilities, priorities, and progress. For example, Asana allows project sections to be divided into lists of tasks. Each task can be further segmented into sub-tasks, and other project participants can be invited, files can be attached, and descriptions can be added to each task. With this tool, teams can eliminate concerns about overlooked work, missed deadlines, and endless email chains.

If you need an advanced reporting and exporting platform to boost Asana’s capabilities, consider our tool Bridge24 for Asana.

Asana Pros and Advantages 

1. Exceptional User Experience

Asana’s user interface is the result […]

By |2023-12-14T16:26:59-05:00December 14, 2023|

Asana Portfolios and Time Tracking Now Supported

After many customer requests, we have made the decision to provide support for Portfolios and the new Time Tracking module from Asana. This means that you can now utilize these new fields for your tasks: portfolio, estimated time, and actual time. Additionally, these fields are accessible in all views within the application, such as Grid, Charts, Calendar, Gantt, Reports, History, and Export.

Please take a look at the screenshots below, which illustrate how you can use these new fields.

Display your tasks by portfolio in the grid view

On the left-hand side panel, you can view your Portfolio list located under the “Tasks by Portfolio” node. If you click on a portfolio name, it will show you all of the tasks associated with that particular portfolio.

Generate a chart for your tasks grouped by portfolio

By selecting Portfolio as the grouping level when creating a new […]

By |2023-09-14T09:58:28-04:00April 26, 2023|

Calculated Fields for Asana, Basecamp, and Trello

Calculated fields or computed fields are a feature that allows users to perform calculations based on values from other fields within the same project. They are typically used to automate the calculation of values that would be time-consuming or error-prone to do manually.

Bridge24 offers six calculated fields for Asana, Basecamp, and Trello. These fields can be used in most views: grids, charts, reports, and exports.

Age (days): The amount of time (in days) that has passed since the task was created. We calculate the value using the “Created At” field with today’s date.

Completion (days): This represents the number of days it took to complete the task since its creation. We calculate the value by taking the “Completed At” and the “Created At” fields.

Completed Late: This represents whether a task was completed on time. We calculate the value […]

By |2023-03-02T15:58:00-05:00March 2, 2023|

Asana – Backup & Export your Attachments & Files in Bulk

A heavily requested feature for Asana users of Bridge24, we are excited to provide access to the Asana File Download Manager. This allows the punctual or bulk download of files (attachments) associated with tasks (documents, images, others) within a task, a search set of tasks, a project, or across multiple projects.

It has been optimized to track the transfer status and provides an index and log in structured zip files. Whether just with a few attachments or a full backup of 10s of GBs of files, this feature is robust and gets the job done!

File Download Manager usage

1) Active Search results

Be sure to create a Search or use the Quick links to access and display your Active search results in the Grid. You can then filter the returned tasks as […]

By |2023-02-18T18:38:45-05:00February 18, 2023|

User List Panel + Invitation for Asana, Trello, and Basecamp

Bridge24 is still evolving with a panel displaying the list of your users in a comprehensive grid, allowing you to filter, sort, group, and export them to Excel. Moreover, you can now easily invite your users to use Bridge24 with a single click of a button.

Table of Content


How to open the User List for Asana?

Simply use the “Users” button located at the top upper left of the screen. See the image below:

What columns are available in the panel view for Asana?

The user panel allows you to add/remove the columns in the grid by simply clicking the 3-dot menu for any column. You can choose among 4 columns […]

By |2023-02-08T15:31:38-05:00January 13, 2023|

Introducing the Project List Panel for Asana, Trello, and Basecamp

Bridge24 is still evolving with a panel displaying the list of your projects (Asana and Basecamp) or your boards if you are using Trello. This new panel displays all your projects/boards in a comprehensive grid, allowing you to filter, sort, group, and export them.

Table of Content:


How to open the Project List for Asana?

Simply by using the “Projects” button located at the top upper left of the screen. See the image below:

What columns are available in the panel view for Asana?

The project panel allows you to add/remove the columns in the grid by simply clicking the 3-dot menu for any column. You can choose […]

By |2023-02-16T11:16:36-05:00October 5, 2022|

Asana: Include subtasks for better reporting and exporting

Several Asana users have asked if it is possible to include subtasks as main tasks in the different views of the application. You are probably wondering why it’s important?

Some customer issues:

  • Some of my tasks are not shown in the charts. I think it is not including subtasks for some reason.
  • My subtasks have due dates but I cannot see them in the calendar view.
  • My issue is that when I want to download attachments from Asana I can only download the attachments from main tasks. How to include subtask attachments to download?
  • The grid view is powerful, but the subtasks are only displayed in a tiny subtasks column. How can I fully see them in the grid?

By default, when you click on a project from the left panel, we only display the main tasks. If you want the subtasks to be included, you need to activate the toggle at the top-right of your screen. See the image below:

By |2022-08-11T15:42:46-04:00August 11, 2022|

Bridge24 for Asana Improvements – Start Time and Multi-select Custom Fields

Asana recently added a number of features including start times, and multi-select custom fields. Bridge24 has incorporated both of these upgrades into the interface to use throughout.

Start time inclusion

Use start times on the Edit panel, as well as view the data in the Grid and use in reports, history, and exports. On the Edit panel, you can click on the time icon and modify the values directly and update to Asana:

Multi-select Custom Field usage

Multi-select custom fields contain more than one value. Add the column to the Grid to view. When used within a Report or Chart, the grouping will be applied to each value present. This means that a task can appear more than once within a report (depending on the number of values in its multi-select field).

By |2022-05-24T14:31:38-04:00December 13, 2021|
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