Several Asana users have asked if it is possible to include subtasks as main tasks in the different views of the application. You are probably wondering why it’s important?
Some customer issues:
- Some of my tasks are not shown in the charts. I think it is not including subtasks for some reason.
- My subtasks have due dates but I cannot see them in the calendar view.
- My issue is that when I want to download attachments from Asana I can only download the attachments from main tasks. How to include subtask attachments to download?
- The grid view is powerful, but the subtasks are only displayed in a tiny subtasks column. How can I fully see them in the grid?
By default, when you click on a project from the left panel, we only display the main tasks. If you want the subtasks to be included, you need to activate the toggle at the top-right of your screen. See the image below:

Another way to include the subtasks is by creating a new search, and using the Subtasks criterion:

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