Feedback is an integral part of every project, organization, and business. It is the way to get to know what customers want, what they can say about certain services, what services or products need improvement and more. Sometimes, feedback may just say a simple ‘thank you’ or ‘bye’ and people who receive it may already have an idea of what it means.

In the past, getting feedback meant going out in the streets and personally talking to stakeholders and random customers about what they think about certain products or services. Some other organizations give out surveys or conduct interviews in the street or through the phone. Today, with the advancement of technology, getting feedback can already be done from the office through the use of software and tools. Of course, feedback today doesn’t just come from customers but also from clients and stakeholders as well, especially in project management.

How feedback affects a project

In other areas, feedback comes after a product is bought or a service is provided. This is not how it is when it comes to project management. Feedback should be considered along the way of the completion of a project. Projects come with deadlines and when there isn’t much time left to work on these, teams and workers might try to finish the work faster and skip feedback, neglecting accuracy and quality in the process. If a project requires the feedback of a stakeholder before it is supposed to be launched, the feedback has to be heard first so as not to waste time on something that would need a total revamp. This could mean that the completion of the project will take time but the end goal is promised at the very least.

Using Trello for getting positive feedback

As mentioned, software and tools can now be used to get insightful feedback from customers and Trello is one of them. However, it cannot do it just by itself and a power-up like SurveyMonkey is necessary. SurveyMonkey works as a versatile tool for communication and feedback collection about projects in more ways than one, whether the feedback comes from the community, customers, stakeholders, or even from within the team.

With this power-up, asking people for their feedback regarding a decision has been made easier, especially in the way feedback is organized. SurveyMonkey allows users to attach surveys directly onto Trello cards which colleagues and stakeholders can fill out and administrators can check without ever having to leave Trello. This makes feedback collection convenient, especially that the power-up takes away the need to contact every stakeholder or client and ask for their availability for a meeting. They can just provide their feedback whenever they are available, ultimately saving time and effort for everyone.

Trello helps managers prioritize tasks from their backlog

With Trello, project managers will be able to manage their backlog efficiently and avoid missing a great idea. To do this, all he needs to do is create a card for every idea and add some screenshots, along with details on it. However, if there are so many ideas waiting in the backlog, it would be a challenge finding and deciding which ones should be implemented first. With SurveyMonkey, managers can just ask their members for feedback which are then arranged in an organized and structured way.

Trello helps teams brainstorm online

When a Trello account activates its SurveyMonkey power-up, asynchronous brainstorming online can be done. Members don’t have to leave their work to be physically present at a meeting and managers don’t have to bother everyone to get their availability. Again, this ultimately saves time and effort and allows members to focus more on doing their tasks.

An example of a feedback loop that uses Trello

One effective feedback loop consists of four elements, namely feedback channels, the Trello board, customer success team sessions, and backlogging.

  1. Feedback channels are the ways through which teams reach out to their stakeholders to get feedback. These may include social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter or through in-app chats like Intercom. The questions are left there and the stakeholders answer them and provide feedback whenever they are available.
  2. Trello boards. For each feedback received, a Trello board is created which could be categorized according to bugs, product feedback, or feature request. In the event that any feedback is sent about the same topic, one Trello card is made for that and all feedback is written as comments which Trello automatically counts.
  3. Customer success team sessions. At this point, members of the team come together to evaluate the feedback from Trello and discuss which ones are doable, congruent to the company’s VMG, and relevant. What is done to the individual feedback is included in the next step.
  4. This is the part where relevant feedback that is urgent is immediately placed in the backlog. If the answer to the above questions regarding feedback is ‘no’, then, this feedback is placed in the archives. If, for example, it is relevant but not urgent, it remains in the list and is revisited during the next session.

Trello is a very useful project management tool that many organizations and teams enjoy using. It is easy to use and its Kanban view makes it easy to understand and manipulate. However, it can still be made more efficient with Bridge24 for Trello which helps enhance its capabilities.

Bridge24 for Trello provides support by extending existing and non-existing features to help project management teams become more productive.

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