There is a mixture of feelings when seeking a new job. It can be nerve-racking and exciting at the same time while waiting for a response to be interviewed. It may seem that job hunting is plainly waiting but it is not because one must work hard to get the job. Back in the day, it was doubly difficult when job hunting because one needs to be physically present when submitting an application. Today, the nature of job hunting has also evolved through the use of technology. Thanks to Trello, one can now clearly organize his job hunting. In this article, we will cover the ways on how to use Trello to maximize the chances of getting a prospective employer.
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From job hunting to finally getting the job
The first thing one must do when searching for a job is to update his resume and look for companies that are in line with his qualifications. After finalizing which companies to apply to, one can simply click “Submit Application” and the waiting begins. With millions of people behind their computer screens vying to apply to the same position as the others, job hunting can be frustrating and thrilling. Timing is everything when looking for a job, so do not be discouraged with rejection at first try.
With all the things that one must take note of when responding to interview appointments, this stage of job hunting is tough because the processes can get overwhelming. One can easily lose track of what to do next or who to speak with next without the help of software like Trello.
After several days of patiently waiting, an influx of responses starts to roll in. So which company should be considered a top choice? Considering all the benefits and disadvantages that come with every choice, how can Trello offer its service to be of help in this case?
A review on Trello’s templates from job hunting to the first day of the job
There is a workflow that one can follow in Trello that brings job searching from being tedious to exciting. Starting off with a card on the left for the chosen companies to apply for, one can outline the steps for each interview with details such as dates, location, job description, etc.
On the right side, every list can be tagged as a stage of the interview with each company that one may choose. As one progresses for interview processing, he can simply click and drag the card to whatever stage it should be in.
The job-hunting process with Power-Ups

Let us tackle how to use the 5 power-ups of Trello to classify the job search which is the following:
- Calendar
This power-up visualizes how the user’s calendar week would look like. It serves as a reminder for the information such as when interviews will be, the deadlines, and the dues of the assignments. Whenever there are changes, just click and drag to the new date.
2. Google Drive
In Trello, one can integrate his tasks that can be done at home through the Google Drive Power-Up. With this feature, one is assured that all his tasks can be tracked and will not be submitted to the wrong recipient.
3. Trello and Email
There are plenty of choices to use email inbox to connect with Trello. The add-on of Trello for Gmail and Outlook is very helpful when searching for a job because any email can correspond to the card in the Trello board.
4. Custom Fields and Due Dates
This particular feature of Trello is a major help in making sure that deadlines are not overlooked. The different colors of badges indicate when the deadline is, if it is due or overdue. One can also customize the reminders of due dates.
5. Zapier Power-Up
This feature of the tool can be used in many different ways, and one of that is linking one’s calendar to Trello. When an interview invite is sent to one’s calendar, it directly creates a card in the Trello board for job hunting.
The Journey and Destination of a Career

Job hunting is hard because it requires patience and strong determination to be hired by the desired company. It can be challenging to juggle all the information, instructions and reminders if one does not use a tool like Trello which could ease the chaos of this stage of job hunting. The Power-Ups of Trello are very advantageous to use to organize each appointment with clarity and peace of mind. However, no matter how innovative and brilliant the software is for job hunting, if one does not possess the right attitude and mindset that are needed in every job, whether virtual or traditional, the skill sets will never be enough in the journey of success.
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