Basecamp project management and team communication software is making it easier for businesses and organizations to be more organized. With all the important features and functions in a centrally located application, teams can focus on important work. Since work today goes beyond the office premises, Basecamp is continuously updating its native mobile apps to be relevant to the needs of its customers. The latest Basecamp for iOS release includes time-saving enhancements and new features. For a great extension to Basecamp, we recommend you use our own tool Bridge24 for Basecamp.

Swipe Left for the Next Unread

Basecamp for iOS version 3.5.1’s release was in late June. This 64.4MB update requires iOS9 or higher. In a previous release, users are now able to locate or start a new Ping on a row of avatars on top of Hey! When users have a number of unread messages on Hey!, the usual action is to tap the unread message, go over it, then go back, and tap the next one. Now, users can simply swipe-left to get to the next unread. So, even when they have a lot of Hey! messages, the app on their iOS devices is capable enough to conveniently cover them in less time than usual.

iOS Search Now Includes Basecamp

The Search in iOS allows people to find a contact, email, app, event or message very quickly. This is done by swiping down the middle of the Home screen, tapping the search bar, and typing the words. Similarly, users can now search for Basecamp Projects, Teams and People. These items will now appear together with the other search results. For example, the user wants to ping a co-worker. He or she can type the name on the iOS Search. From the results, the user can tap to go into their profile card and send a ping.

New Feature My Schedule

Also new in this latest Basecamp for iOS app is the My Schedule feature. From the Home tab, this feature is under My Stuff. This feature shows users all their schedule across projects and teams. All these information is now available in one place. Furthermore, if users enable the Basecamp widget, they can see the My Schedule items from the iOS Search screen. Therefore, users are in no danger to miss any important appointment, task, or event even when all they have is their iOS device.

Working Smoothly on iOS 11 beta

Apple announced the public beta of iOS 11 which is scheduled to be out this coming Fall. Although Basecamp cannot offer full support for an upcoming version, the latest release includes fixes to issues discovered. Thus, users who are now running a development build or participating in the public beta can continue to use their Basecamp app without any worry. They are sure to save time from the new features. Moreover, they can also continue to work on smoothly to keep things organized and manageable. To learn more about upcoming features and other updates, visit Basecamp also on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.

Basecamp 3 Announces New To-do Groups
Jason Fried, CEO of Basecamp