Want to simply share your ideas about AceProject, Asana, Basecamp or Trello? Be a guest writer. Guest writers are not paid by bridge24.com, however, they get to influence the project management software field with their knowledge. Please share your experiences.

We are excited to read your independently written, unique content that touches on topics of interest concerning these project management tools. Please follow the steps below to submit your article.

What Should I Write About?

  • Anything about Asana, Basecamp or Trello: general articles, tutorials, comparison, etc.
  • Articles can also be indirectly about your services, but you have to explain how your services benefit from the help of Asana, Basecamp or Trello.

How Do I Submit My Great Idea(s)?

  1. Contact us by email at support@bridge24.com and propose a topic. We will respond to your email as soon as we can.
  2. Once we have approved your topic, provide your article.
  3. As well, follow/like us on all of our social networks: Facebook and Twitter.

It’s simple, but wait! Before you start, we have something very important to share with you. It will save you time and help you be that rock star writer.

Important Message From the Editor: Grammar & Ethics

  • Your grammar must be excellent. If not, your article will not be published. Do not go to all of that work for an unpublished article.
  • Unethical content will NOT be published. Bridge24.com aims to stimulate productive conversations, via blogs, surrounding project management. That being said, Bridge24.com will NOT accept articles, as deemed by the editor, that condone unethical PM practices.

What Does a Great Article Look Like?

Besides awesome grammar, your article must be original and purposeful. ­­­­

Our Expectations

We are looking for great quality. In order for us to publish your article, you must be able to answer “yes” to the questions below.

Ask yourself:

  1. Does my article provide a clear point? Is there a clear goal in writing this article? Make sure your topic is not too general.
  2. Have I precisely explained the importance of my article?
  3. Will the reader gain valuable information after they have read my article?
  4. Did I put evidence in my article to support the information I’m sharing? Statistics, a reference from a reliable source, examples.
  5. Is my writing clear and concise? Besides having impeccable grammar, does your article have great flow, interesting content, and is it easy to understand – not too much jargon? ­­
  6. Does my article have original content – new information that does not already exist on the web? It must be unique, not a copy of a blog post and not a copy of your website.  All articles that are coming from you must pass several plagiarism tests like http://www.copyscape.com/

The Skeleton of Your Article

  • Length: Minimum 1000 words, ideally 1500 words.
  • Image: One featured image representing your article.
  • Links: Include one link for your client with DR >= 35, one internal link, and two links to credible sources with DR >= 60.
  • Topic: Our site performs well with topics like “Top 10 Pros & Cons of Something” or “Top 10 Cons & Disadvantages of Something”. However, you can propose any topic you like, as long as it’s about Trello, Basecamp, or Asana.

Final Steps

Once we have approved everything, we’ll publish the article on our website and all our social networks.

To reap the benefits of your recently published article, publish it to your website and social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc. Not to worry! We will email you the link to do so.

So, without further ado let us know what you know!