About Mae Virtucio

Mae is a subject matter expert in the project management field. She focuses on project management software reviews, books reviews, training site reviews, and general articles related to the project management industry.

How to use Trello to track Bugs

Bugs can be found everywhere and this statement goes true in both the real world and the world of programming. In both worlds, bugs are not welcome. Bugs in programming refer to a fault, an error, or a flaw in a computer system which can cause the program to produce an incorrect output. It is said that these bugs come up when there are errors or mistakes in the design or source code of a program. They may sound like they are not a major problem but they actually are, based on the disasters in the past that were linked to them. Case in point – the patient deaths in the 1980s when bugs were found in the code that controlled the Therac-25 Radiation Therapy. In recent years, programmers have been more vigilant in creating the best tools for identifying and fixing bugs to avoid similar disasters from happening again.

Why the spreadsheet is not enough to track bugs

Software development teams are aware of the importance of investing […]

By |2019-10-02T04:31:00-04:00October 2, 2019|

How to Run Effective Meetings in Asana

Meetings are an inherent part of every company. In fact, it would be impossible to run an organization without holding any of these. Meetings are an important step to share information within the company, gathering feedback for activities held, announcing launchings of new projects, and a lot more.

Most meetings are bound to fail, why?

Unfortunately, most meetings are bound to fail and there are a lot of reasons for that. Firstly, the ‘who’ part is never made clear. Yes, meetings consist of a few people that gather around the table with one main speaker. However, for the most part, many of these attendees don’t really have anything much for them in the meeting. Besides, conversations are carried on by just two or three people, including the speaker or host, most of the time.

Secondly, the ‘why’ part is also left vague. A lot of people have been heard leaving a meeting room learning nothing more than when they came in. Oftentimes, facilitators know what they are calling the meeting […]

By |2019-10-01T05:49:13-04:00October 1, 2019|

Can We Multitask Successfully?

Multitasking has become a household term these past few years as people have started believing that they can actually do various tasks at the same time. It has already become an essential tool for survival in today’s overloaded modern world. The thing is, it isn’t only done by professionals and working people as it is also happening among students, as well as to stay-at-home moms. However, even with so much commotion about it where people claim that they are really multitasking, the question remains if doing different things at the same time is actually effective.

What is multitasking?

When someone who is stirring the soup that’s boiling in a kettle on the stovetop is also slicing some vegetables, we say he is multitasking. When a vendor serves up food while mentally computing how much the total order costs, we say he is multitasking. When a mom listens to the radio drama while doing the laundry, we say she is multitasking. However, is it really true?

Multitasking can be described in […]

By |2019-09-25T04:36:32-04:00September 25, 2019|

How to Create your Editorial Calendar in Basecamp

Content writing should not be a case of when the content creator has the time to write or when there is something to write about. Publishing content should be done consistently to strengthen the following of a website. Readers want to see something new that also brings new information and knowledge. They want to follow sites that actually want to share information and provide updates to their readers. Unfortunately, many websites do not recognize this fact and oftentimes do not bring their content up-to-date. This could be because they don’t know what good topics to write about or that they couldn’t find the time to make new content.

In the case of the second reason, there are a lot of things that can be done to address the matter. One of them is by creating an editorial calendar that can be done through the use of Basecamp.

What is an editorial calendar?

An editorial calendar, also known as content calendar, contains the dates and times of when an article should […]

By |2019-01-18T00:50:43-05:00January 18, 2019|
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