
Trello on an upbeat mode with 120k users signing each week

Trello on an upbeat modeNew York-based project management service, Trello, is surprisingly being used by 10m users globally, and has added another feather to its cap with 120,000 new users signing up every week, according to CEO Michael Pryor.

The co-founder of the software company seems perplexed when he ponders on how the app is being used, and states that users use it to chalk out a strategy for their weddings and holidays. This outstanding achievement has been met through wide engagement along with improved productivity and collaboration.

Trello is one of the rapidly evolving productivity apps right now, and empowers workers in a similar way as was once done by Microsoft Office.

How does Trello Work?

Trello has an enticing visual clarity to communication, collaboration and a whole lot of other things similar to other apps like Sunrise, Wunderlist, Wrike and Slack to name a few. The design of the application has a close resemblance to a whiteboard. The adroit design allows users to […]

By |January 2, 2016|
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