About Bridge24 Team

Bridge24 is a complimentary application to Asana, Basecamp, and Trello that allows dynamic connectivity to your data which can be viewed and manipulated in ways not possible in the native application. Stay tuned for more exciting features on the way! Be sure to provide us your feedback about what you would like to see inside of Bridge24!

Best Guide to Choose a Project Management Software

Whatever your business does and whatever its size and scope, it likely faces the same conundrum as any other business. How does it make its operations more efficient to reduce waste and overhead costs without diminishing the quality that your consumer base expects? No matter how confident you are in your operational processes, there’s an excellent chance that you could make things more efficient. And Project Management Software can help to facilitate that efficiency. It is designed to make all the behind the scenes processes easier and more cohesive while allowing your team more time and effort to spend on the things that will wow your customers. 

You’ve invested heavily in the resources at your disposal, whether they be human or technological. Project Management Software is designed to help you to get the most out of the resources you have, tracking your projects and managing your resources in a way that is centralized. This makes for better organization, efficiency, accuracy, team cooperation and interdepartmental […]

By |2019-08-14T11:22:50-04:00August 14, 2019|

Reports grouped by custom fields for Asana and Trello

For Asana and Trello we frequently get requests for using Custom field information within Bridge24 (filters, charts, reports, etc). We have begun a process that will take a few iterations before being able to use them throughout the application. The first step is being released today with the ability to Group by Custom field values from within Reports.

Selecting the Custom field to Group by

From the Report parameters, simply select the Custom field from the drop-down grouping field.

You have the option to Group by a secondary dimension as well, that can also be a Custom field.

Report presentation

In the resulting report, the total of tasks/cards that meet the Grouping value criteria is presented. The count of each group is provided and the list of associated tasks/cards is listed within each grouping category.

As with any report, you can now export it to Excel, for further editing, or to PDF directly.

Stay tuned for more improvements coming your way soon!

By |2019-06-13T12:00:43-04:00June 13, 2019|

More Bridge24 Report Enhancements: Including Unlimited Fields!

Sometimes data can overwhelm you. Being able to easily structure your Asana, Basecamp, Trello, or AceProject data in to a presentable and flexible report would be great, wouldn’t it? Well, comments from users keep pouring in and report updates have followed. In the latest update a number of new features are available to add even more flexibility in report creation.

Unlimited fields in your report

No more limit of 4 additional fields. Add any field you want! You can reorder them as well to get that report just right.

Support for landscape and portrait orientation

Change the orientation of the paper to suit your needs! A few extra fields may fit better in your PDF if in landscape mode. If you want to fit even more information, you always have the option to export to Excel which respects the formatting. Using the print options form Excel you can fit width, or fit all, to get what you want on the page.

Interchange wide fields for columns […]

By |2019-05-16T12:59:42-04:00May 16, 2019|

Wide fields and sorting now available in advanced reports

We receive great comments from our users.  Not only do they indicate what new features they would like to see in the future, but how to improve existing ones, such as Reports. More fields, more flexibility, more comments, add this, add that, if only, etc. We are always attentive and try to incorporate the suggestions we receive. In this latest update, a number of suggestions we implemented and the Reports module has been tweaked and provides more flexibility.

Reports now including Task Description and Comments

Getting all your project or board information neatly placed on a printed sheet of paper is easier said than done. In the first iteration of reports we decided to limit the fields to those containing less information and retrieving only the last comment, etc. Fields such as Task description and comments can sometimes include extreme amounts of information and entering it in a readable format in a one inch or so cell would require a microscope to be useful. These “longer” or wide fields are now available and positioned below the Task […]

By |2019-04-12T10:24:07-04:00April 12, 2019|

Bridge24 New Features and Recent Activities

We are keeping busy here are Bridge24. The past month or so has seen a number of improvements and new features to make your reporting and exporting more powerful and easier.

New Charts & Reports

Charts and Reports by:

  • Completion Status (Asana, Trello, Basecamp) and Archived Status (Trello)
  • Label name & Tasks by label color (Asana, Trello)

New Pre-determined Due/Deadline date Filters

Quick access filters “by deadline” available from the left tree view for Basecamp, Trello, and AceProject (Asana coming).

Access Archived project contents (Basecamp)

Accessible from the left treeview or from a Personal filter. When selecting from the filter, the project is indicated with (Archived) or (Trashed) label

Rapid access to Completed tasks/cards/to-dos

Rapid access to view All tasks, to-dos, cards (including completed) directly in the Grid through new drop-down selector on the top right of the Grid interface. The options are: Incomplete (tasks) / All (tasks).



Performance Enhancements

Client/browser side caching for improved performance after first connection has been implemented for […]

By |2019-03-15T09:54:36-04:00March 15, 2019|

New Charting Options in Bridge24 for Asana, Trello, Basecamp and AceProject

A number of new enhancements for charts has just been released in time for the Holidays! Charts add a flexible representation of your data that provides visual grouping for instant interpretation. Connect, filter, then display charts in Bridge24 for Asana, Basecamp, Trello, or AceProject. Access to your data has never been easier!

Access options from the menu on the top right of any vertical or horizontal bar chart:

Chart Stacking

One exciting feature is the ability to “stack” or display 2 variables in the same chart. For example, You are able to display all tasks by Project and then stack by Tag or Assignee. Click on a chart column to drill down to view by category and subcategory and open in the Grid for further analysis or export.


The order displayed in the legend and chart can now be modified. You can sort alphabetically, when stacking by Assignees for example, or by Quantity of each stacked value.

By |2018-12-17T08:36:43-05:00December 17, 2018|

New Interface Released for Bridge24

Opening the Bridge24 interface today, you will have noticed a complete visual revamp. A number of technology components were updated recently and we took the opportunity to also freshen up the interface with a new color scheme and style to enhance the readability and clarity of the application.

Enhancement included:

  • New contrasting to increase the usability for new users
  • Notifications are less intrusive
  • Quicker load times for dialogues
  • New type font and sizes for better readability

In case you haven’t opened the app today, here is a quick look:


We hope this new interface allows you to work more productively using Bridge24!

By |2018-11-01T10:29:42-04:00November 1, 2018|

Advanced Reports for Basecamp 3 using Bridge24

Bridge24 for Basecamp is now being used by more and more Basecamp users to access to-dos across projects, as well as to output information such as reports into excel or PDF. New features for users are now available from within Bridge24.

Bridge24 Advanced Reports

This week saw the introduction of Advanced Reports. Users can now prepare a 2 level report (grouping) and include up to 4 more fields in addition to the to-do name.  This easy to use report creation tool also allows you to export the report into a convenient PDF or Excel file, as well as others.

Advanced Reports for Asana & Trello

Configure and generate the report

Select the first and second level grouping parameter and fields to include, then generate.  

The report is created and the user can navigate directly and then export to the desired format such as PDF or Excel.

By |2018-10-01T07:59:11-04:00October 1, 2018|

Bridge24 Officially Recognized by Basecamp

We are excited to announce that Bridge24 has been accepted in the App Extras directory for Basecamp. Bridge24 for Basecamp is a reporting and exporting application that enhances the functionality of Basecamp.

Access the Basecamp Extras page detailing the connection with Bridge24 in the reporting section. Bridge24 was classified in the Reporting category since one of the main uses is to dynamically display and filter Basecamp to-dos and of course create reports. Although it does much more than that, including a power grid and exporting any view to Excel.

Filter To-Dos

  • Create & save multiple filters for easy access to specific information
  • Use the Quick Search in all views to quickly filter & display information
  • Use multiple level grouping & sorting to segment to-dos easily

Advanced Reports

Basic and Advanced reports provide a way to organize and present your to-dos across projects. The advanced reports contain 2 grouping levels and you can add an […]

By |2018-09-28T11:11:58-04:00September 28, 2018|

Trello in the News: September 21, 2018

Our goal is to monitor everything that is written about Trello on a daily basis. All articles below were published on September 21th 2018 and are about how Trello can complement your business needs. You have a link to each original article, and also Twitter links if you want to contact the article’s author or the website’s owner for more information.

If you are a Trello user and need a great reporting and exporting tool, we recommend using our own tool Bridge24 for Trello.

Tips for building business to business products

Article Quote: “As an example, a big organisation may use a corporate travel product. It’s main users will be people wanting to book hotels and flights for their business trip, but there are likely to be several other types of user. There may be project managers using it to see who has the right visa to work on their project, or HR managers trying to see if there are ways of reducing the travel budget. On […]

By |2018-09-22T21:41:38-04:00September 22, 2018|
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