Asana Launches Project Templates Gallery, New Templates Added
Asana is an online productivity tool that enables teams to have the clarity to collaborate successfully. The project management and work tracking software provides all users the visibility to know who is working on what by when. There are no more blind spots. Its features also allows teams to do things efficiently, so they can save time from admin tasks and spend it where it matters most. One example is with the use of templates. Now, users can avail of more templates for a variety of teams and goals. For a powerful reporting and exporting tool for Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try.
Asana Project Templates Gallery
The New Asana Project Templates Gallery is a central location where users can choose a pre-built template depending on their team. From the site, templates are further grouped under Marketing, Design, Engineering, HR, IT, Operations, Cross-functional, and Product.
Templates by Team
Under the Marketing category are 7 ready-to-use templates that follow […]