How to use Trello to get positive feedback?
Feedback is an integral part of every project, organization, and business. It is the way to get to know what customers want, what they can say about certain services, what services or products need improvement and more. Sometimes, feedback may just say a simple ‘thank you’ or ‘bye’ and people who receive it may already have an idea of what it means.
In the past, getting feedback meant going out in the streets and personally talking to stakeholders and random customers about what they think about certain products or services. Some other organizations give out surveys or conduct interviews in the street or through the phone. Today, with the advancement of technology, getting feedback can already be done from the office through the use of software and tools. Of course, feedback today doesn’t just come from customers but also from clients and stakeholders as well, especially in project management.
How feedback affects a project
In other areas, feedback comes after a product is bought or a service is provided. This […]
Why is transparency important in project management?
Employees who are the backbone of every company need to feel fulfilled in their jobs and important to their teams. This is achieved through transparency. Unfortunately, studies reveal that transparency is not one of the thrusts of many companies and organizations. In fact, it has been found that only 42% of employees are actually aware of their company’s vision, mission, and goals. This could mean that many companies failed in making clear and setting straight what they are really about. Given this fact, how can employers expect their employees to be productive when they don’t even know what the targets are of the organization they currently work in?
Transparency is crucial because it just doesn’t make people feel better but it also makes people work better. It helps define roles and identify an organization’s values, structure, and objectives. In project management, transparency is about knowing the performance of a project or its processes. It further reveals the information used for making decisions, as well as the details of […]
Top 7 Best Task Management Software Tools of 2019
Project management software used to be so expensive and out of reach for many small and medium-sized enterprises. Companies used to spend millions on acquiring tools that help them better manage their projects and make sure they stayed within their budget. Well, gone are those days! As today, numerous software of this kind are already available and have been made affordable even for businesses that are managing just a few projects. Thanks to this cloud-based software, task management has become easier, more efficient, and less stressful.
The software industry brims with different kinds of software for project management, ranging from free versions with limited capabilities to pro versions that are acquired on monthly or yearly subscriptions. Each tool has its own features which dictate their price on the market. Free versions don’t have as many capabilities as the paid ones but most of them are enough for smaller businesses. The subscription versions are mostly used by larger companies that undertake more projects.
Before project managers decide on the software to use, here is a list of the […]
Top 10 best Trello power-ups for communication and collaboration
Trello is a popular project management software that is being used by numerous organizations and businesses for their collaboration. It uses boards that, at one glance, provide a view of the project, specifically of what’s being worked on and who is working on it. It is easy to use and convenient because its concept is like that of a whiteboard that is filled with sticky notes that contain tasks. Added to these tasks are the attachments and photos, as well as comments from the members of the team.
Though Trello is already a great software by itself, its features can still be enhanced through what are called power-ups. These power-ups allow users to integrate their favorite apps into Trello and add features to their boards. Furthermore, these empower users to pull information from outside services right into Trello which are pertinent to their project.
For those who don’t want to use power-ups, Bridge24 for Trello is also a good choice for enhancing Trello’s features.
Top 10 best Trello power-ups
Trello […]
Basecamp keyboard shortcuts
Communication within an organization is crucial to the success of its projects and endeavors. Project management teams, most especially, are in need of tools and software that enable them to not just manage their projects efficiently but also communicate with their teammates seamlessly and without delay. Basecamp is one of the most popular project management software today that numerous organizations use.
What is Basecamp?
Basecamp has leveled up the way organizations accomplish their work. It is an effective tool that gives the user the power to set up to-do lists, create schedules, upload images and files, and even communicate with their colleagues. It is easy to use and may even be utilized for personal use by an individual. Yes, Basecamp is both for teams and individuals and can be accessed in a browser and on a phone. As for project teams, this software allows them to add their clients to the project but still have control over what they can see and edit.
Features of Basecamp
Basecamp is the […]
Future trends of project management
There is no doubt that project management throughout the years has been constantly evolving. This is so not only because of the tough competition among project management providers but also of the fact that more and more businesses are seeing the advantages of such industry. However, the question remains if project management will be able to cope with the constant changes and ever-changing demands of many businesses.
The answer to this is a resounding yes. Project management is one of the few fields that can be applied and incorporated into various industries. Therefore, it has kept itself growing in order to meet the demands of its clients. Furthermore, because of its rapidly increasing popularity, there has already been numerous project management software created to help increase the efficiency and productivity of project management teams. Aside from that, no single project management method is perfect for all projects which is exactly the reason why this field relentlessly searches for new solutions, tools, approaches, and methods.
Project management will only grow
Again, […]
Asana Enhancements, New Courses on July and August 2019 Release
Asana work management platform is helping teams around the world to become more efficient and effective. With the right tools, people are completing their tasks in less time. More importantly, they are able to take more work, produce quality output, and feel good about their contribution. This July and August 2019, Asana released enhancements to its Workload feature, now more powerful with effort and capacity functionality. Also, new features and improvements to existing ones, as well as two new marketing courses now available complete the latest release. For a powerful reporting and exporting tool for Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try.
Workload Enhancements
Workload is a new resource management feature in Asana that was introduced in early June of this year. It is a feature available to Business and Enterprise plan customers. With Workload, users get to see a visual snapshot of their team’s capacity, all from a single view. With the latest release, users can now gauge workload more accurately not just with […]
How to Delegate Tasks Effectively?
A team is called a team because its output is not the work of only one person but of everyone in it. However, what sometimes happens is that the team leader or the one in the position of authority does many, if not all, of the tasks. In order to be productive, tasks should be delegated.
Delegating tasks entails communication, trust, and coordination and these make it a serious business. The risk that a task will not be completed on time or even started at all is high. And when certain aspects of the project fail, the team fails, and the blame is put on the leader. This is one of the reasons why sometimes leaders don’t like to delegate and just opt to take the entire burden on their shoulders. What are the other reasons why many people don’t like to delegate?
Reasons why leaders don’t like to delegate
When a task is not done, everybody points their finger at the manager who is the overseer of everything. As […]
How to use Trello to track Bugs
Bugs can be found everywhere and this statement goes true in both the real world and the world of programming. In both worlds, bugs are not welcome. Bugs in programming refer to a fault, an error, or a flaw in a computer system which can cause the program to produce an incorrect output. It is said that these bugs come up when there are errors or mistakes in the design or source code of a program. They may sound like they are not a major problem but they actually are, based on the disasters in the past that were linked to them. Case in point – the patient deaths in the 1980s when bugs were found in the code that controlled the Therac-25 Radiation Therapy. In recent years, programmers have been more vigilant in creating the best tools for identifying and fixing bugs to avoid similar disasters from happening again.
Why the spreadsheet is not enough to track bugs
Software development teams are aware of the importance of investing […]
How to Run Effective Meetings in Asana
Meetings are an inherent part of every company. In fact, it would be impossible to run an organization without holding any of these. Meetings are an important step to share information within the company, gathering feedback for activities held, announcing launchings of new projects, and a lot more.
Most meetings are bound to fail, why?
Unfortunately, most meetings are bound to fail and there are a lot of reasons for that. Firstly, the ‘who’ part is never made clear. Yes, meetings consist of a few people that gather around the table with one main speaker. However, for the most part, many of these attendees don’t really have anything much for them in the meeting. Besides, conversations are carried on by just two or three people, including the speaker or host, most of the time.
Secondly, the ‘why’ part is also left vague. A lot of people have been heard leaving a meeting room learning nothing more than when they came in. Oftentimes, facilitators know what they are calling the meeting […]