Trello – Is It Worth Upgrading to the Paid Plans?
Trello is an online visual project management and collaboration software. It was built by Fog Creek Software in 2011. By 2016, it has reported to have passed 14 million users, with 1 million active users daily. In January 2017, software giant Atlassian, the owner of Jira Software, acquired it for $425 million. To this day, Trello remains one of the most popular productivity tools used by teams for business and personal applications.
Trello Free Version
Trello offers a free version with many features. People liken it to a digital whiteboard where users can see projects organized visually into boards, columns, and cards. It is easy to use, with drag and drop. It allows customization to a certain level, allowing users to create stages or groupings with columns within a board. Cards represent smaller work items like tasks, and can include additional details. Moreover, users can move these cards across the different columns or across stages. Thus, it is easy to track the progress of work and monitor effort […]
Top Basecamp 3 Productivity Tips and Tricks
Today, businesses and teams are using project management to help improve the chances of achieving their desired result. PM standards exist to help project managers plan work, assign tasks, lead teams, track progress, monitor status, and communicate updates. Still, every company or team has a different and preferred way of getting work done. As a result, the PM software market is full of choices, including online tools. One of the most effective online project management tools is Basecamp.
Third time’s a charm
Basecamp is a web-based project management and collaboration software. Moreover, Basecamp 3 is the third and latest iteration of the PM tool. It was re-designed from the ground up, and includes new features to make it as functional and as easy to use as possible. For example, it helps teams achieve their project’s desired result. It incorporates organization, access, workflow, and capabilities that support project management. In other words, Basecamp 3 helps increase the accountability of individuals and teams by making visible who is working on […]
Butler Review – The Built-in Automation For Trello
Online project management software like Trello makes it easier for a lot of people. PM associations and body of knowledge standards define a project as usually something temporary. However, as businesses become more project-centric, teams are encountering the same familiar tasks on their boards time and time again. And doing the same tasks repeatedly can affect our efficiency. Butler is a Trello Power-Up that enables users to take advantage of built-in workflow automation. It enables them to automate processes such as managing repeating tasks through custom automations, rules, and scheduled commands. If you are looking for a great reporting and exporting tool for Trello, we suggest trying out our own tool Bridge24 for Trello.
What can Butler do? Rule-based Automation
Butler provides rule-based automation. Depending on the Trello version a customer has, users have access to a number of pre-built rules that can automate their everyday tasks. They can set specific rules on cards and boards, which will trigger automatically when certain actions are performed. These rule-based automations […]
New Dropbox Unveils More Connected, Collaborative Desktop App
Dropbox is a technology company that primarily offers cloud storage. Since its launch in 2007, it has reportedly passed 500 million users in 2016. Aside from hosting files online, it allows customers to sync files across devices, to share big files, to brainstorm with a variety of content, and use desktop client software for different operating systems. Advances in technology developed new tools for people that enable them to accomplish more work in less time. This, however, entails using more tools. Also, content is now scattered across apps. As a result, people are now spending more time on work that is not actually their primary work. This work about work is what the new Dropbox desktop app offers to address.
New Dropbox Desktop App
The new Dropbox provides additional features beyond file storage and syncing. It is a central workspace where users can organize all their files, connect their productivity tools, and collaborate with other Dropbox users. The new desktop app is being introduced through an early access program, available […]
Kanban Boards or Task Lists: Which is Better for Your Team?
Project management enables teams and companies to successfully bring an undertaking from point A to point B. Project management software is a tool that helps make this attempt done in a more organized and efficient manner. Projects are usually broken down to smaller, more manageable tasks. Tasks are then assigned to teams or individuals who will be responsible and accountable for completing them. Today’s PM tools offer several ways in presenting tasks. Among the most popular are the simple task lists and the modern Kanban boards.
Which is better?
Before we determine the best task management presentation, we have to answer a fundamental question: who is your team? Productivity methodology seems to be a very personal, or team-specific, thing. What works for one might not work for another. Another question to think about is what stage in the project lifecycle are you now?
Task Lists – One at a time
Pros: Task lists are great project planning tools. It is simple and easy to do, which is an important factor when […]
Asana Announces New Workload Feature in Latest Release
Asana is a project tracking and work management software for teams. It is a powerful business solution that helps users manage their projects, process, and people. With a mission to empower teams to do great things together, it has launched a series of new features to help each team member know what they should be doing and why. Features such as Timeline, Portfolios, Milestones, Forms, and others, are tools that aim to improve clarity, transparency and focus. The latest tool to join these features is Workload. For a powerful reporting and exporting tool for Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try.
Introducing Workload
Asana recognizes that what makes projects successful are people. People using the right tools and following the right processes are able to accomplish great things. No matter how powerful the tools, or how effective the process, it all grinds to a halt when no one is completing the task. Workload provides Asana Business and Enterprise users a central place where they can […]
Tips on How to Stay Focused at Work
Attention control is the capacity of a person to choose what they pay attention to and what they ignore. When people spend a certain amount of concentrated time on a certain task without becoming distracted, that period is called the attention span. Experts say that the attention span of a gold fish is 9 seconds. In a study conducted by Microsoft, the results indicated that the attention span of people has gone down from 12 seconds, measured in the year 2000, to 8 seconds in 2015.
Researchers point to an increasingly digitalized lifestyle as the cause of the diminishing attention span. People who are accustomed to looking at multiple screens are more easily distracted. On the other hand, the same study showed that more people are now better at multitasking. So, even though our attention span is now less than that of a gold fish, we have become more proficient in doing more than one task or activity at the same time. In other words, we have become […]
Reports grouped by custom fields for Asana and Trello
For Asana and Trello we frequently get requests for using Custom field information within Bridge24 (filters, charts, reports, etc). We have begun a process that will take a few iterations before being able to use them throughout the application. The first step is being released today with the ability to Group by Custom field values from within Reports.
Selecting the Custom field to Group by
From the Report parameters, simply select the Custom field from the drop-down grouping field.
You have the option to Group by a secondary dimension as well, that can also be a Custom field.
Report presentation
In the resulting report, the total of tasks/cards that meet the Grouping value criteria is presented. The count of each group is provided and the list of associated tasks/cards is listed within each grouping category.
As with any report, you can now export it to Excel, for further editing, or to PDF directly.
Stay tuned for more improvements coming your way soon!
Basecamp Launches New Notification When Someone Adds a To-do
Basecamp is a web-based application for managing projects and keeping communications open. Users can keep all work and collaboration organized using one central application. With a collection of essential tools on one platform, they can keep track of to-dos, avoid long email threads, and cut down on meetings. A to-do list enables teams to create all the work they need to complete. They can assign these tasks to team mates, and set due dates. Notifications allow users to catch up on the latest, with several options. A new notification feature has recently become available. For a great reporting and exporting tool for Basecamp, we recommend you use our own tool Bridge24 for Basecamp.
Assign to who?
Basecamp 3 To-do Lists feature enables individual team members to know what is happening through its notifications. A user will receive a notification when someone assigns him or her a to-do. Consequently, the person who assigned also receives a notification when the to-do is completed. This is an efficient process when […]
Asana Latest Features in March and April 2019 Release
Asana project tracking and work management software helps teams around the world be more productive. The software continuously includes new features in its regular release. Whether it is a new language, a faster way to edit comments, or a better way to view projects, the results are positive. Teams are able to track work, manage projects, and coordinate efforts more effectively. The releases in the last two months include the availability of the software in Japanese language, new Portfolio features, an updated view in Timeline, and more. For a powerful reporting and exporting tool for Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try.
Asana Now in Japanese
When Asana launched in 2008, it was available only in English. In just the past two years, it became available also in French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. Now that the software is present in 195 countries, it has recently added Japanese in the languages it is available. However, it is only the start of its commitment to Japanese customers, […]