
Can We Multitask Successfully?

Multitasking has become a household term these past few years as people have started believing that they can actually do various tasks at the same time. It has already become an essential tool for survival in today’s overloaded modern world. The thing is, it isn’t only done by professionals and working people as it is also happening among students, as well as to stay-at-home moms. However, even with so much commotion about it where people claim that they are really multitasking, the question remains if doing different things at the same time is actually effective.

What is multitasking?

When someone who is stirring the soup that’s boiling in a kettle on the stovetop is also slicing some vegetables, we say he is multitasking. When a vendor serves up food while mentally computing how much the total order costs, we say he is multitasking. When a mom listens to the radio drama while doing the laundry, we say she is multitasking. However, is it really true?

Multitasking can be described in […]

By |September 25, 2019|

Is Remote Work Going to Replace The 9-to-5 Workday?

As early as 2015, some business experts have already made the prognosis: the 9-to-5 workday is already dying. The 8-hour workday, 5 days a week, or the 40-hour workweek, was born in the 1940s. So, it seems that the life of this 80-something year-old schedule is now at its end. Or is it?

Times are changing

The 40-hour workweek law was passed as a means to address extreme working hours demanded by employers to their employees. It worked for a time, especially in the manufacturing age, where people need to work together in shifts. However, between then and now, a lot has changed.

Work surveys have showed that today, there are more working mothers than in the previous decades. More than 60 percent of families today have both parents working, and many of them have young children. In fact, 70 percent of remote workers today are between the ages of 25 and 44.

Also, technology has advanced tremendously, such that it is now easier to do work outside the traditional office setting. […]

By |September 13, 2019|

Use Trello Custom Fields to Optimize Your Workflow

Trello visual project management software enables millions of users to stay on top of their daily tasks and major projects with a simple but capable tool. With a system of online boards, lists, and cards, many individuals, teams, or even whole companies are able to organize, prioritize, and visualize work, as it moves from ideation to completion. It is a flexible tool, easy to use, and has a free version.

From the start, Trello has maintained its core function as an organizational and workflow management application. To add features and functionality, it has integrations and Power-Ups. Integrations allow Trello to work with other applications, while Power-Ups bring in features of other software inside Trello.

For example, Trello integrates with Gmail with an add-on, so that users can add cards without leaving their inbox. Trello also has a Custom Fields Power-Up. A custom field in general is a user-defined data field that can be added for various purposes. The Custom Fields Power-Up developed by Trello allows users to add custom […]

By |August 20, 2019|

Best Guide to Choose a Project Management Software

Whatever your business does and whatever its size and scope, it likely faces the same conundrum as any other business. How does it make its operations more efficient to reduce waste and overhead costs without diminishing the quality that your consumer base expects? No matter how confident you are in your operational processes, there’s an excellent chance that you could make things more efficient. And Project Management Software can help to facilitate that efficiency. It is designed to make all the behind the scenes processes easier and more cohesive while allowing your team more time and effort to spend on the things that will wow your customers. 

You’ve invested heavily in the resources at your disposal, whether they be human or technological. Project Management Software is designed to help you to get the most out of the resources you have, tracking your projects and managing your resources in a way that is centralized. This makes for better organization, efficiency, accuracy, team cooperation and interdepartmental […]

By |August 14, 2019|

Bridge24 Launches Trello Chart Suite Chrome Extension

Bridge24 is an innovative application that enables users to manage their projects, tasks, and reports much more easily. It enhances the reporting and exporting capabilities of online project management tools such as Trello, Asana, Basecamp, and AceProject. Recently, it launched another free Chrome extension, the Trello Chart Suite Chrome Extension. When added to Chrome, Trello users will be able to create charts in one click. This nifty reporting tool helps them understand better and quickly the distribution of cards. Similarly, they now have instant access to useful information in a visual form.

Features and Benefits

Trello Chart Suite uses the same reporting engine that runs under the hood of Bridge24. It is the same program that creates interactive charts from Trello data, as well as other project management tools that it connects dynamically with. Users on Chrome browser can generate a horizontal bar chart from their current Trello board, with counts per list, in one easy click of a button. Thus, they are able to see, not only […]

By |August 14, 2019|

Asana Introduces New Features in June 2019 Release

Asana is an online project management software for teams. As companies deal with a more fast-paced disruptive business landscape, teams are in need of better tools to help them achieve their projects and objectives. They need tools that are intuitive, effective, and insightful, so that they can spend more time on their real work. This June 2019, Asana introduced several new features, such as Workload to view team capacity, a new Admin Console for managing accounts better, a new course for marketers, and more. For a powerful reporting and exporting tool for Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try.

Workload – View Your Team’s Capacity

Asana provides the right tools to people, so they can propel their projects and their organizations to success. By the same token, it recently launched Workload that allows Business and Enterprise users to have a centralized view of their team’s capacity. Through a visual capacity trendline, it gives them an overview of how each member is assigned across projects. Based […]

By |August 6, 2019|

Common Project Management Mistakes, Their Implications, and Solutions

According to a 2019 Project Management Institute survey, organizations lost about 12 percent of their total project investments because of poor performance. Unfortunately, this value has not gone down for the past 5 years. Even though more companies are using standardized project management practices, a significant amount of their efforts continue to go to waste. One probable reason is that the business landscape is changing too fast brought on by advances in technology and disruptions. Keeping pace is becoming very challenging. Another reason is that project teams are committing the same mistakes over and over again.

Common PM Mistakes

Although projects are usually different from one another, the issues that affect them are quite similar. Here are some of the common project management mistakes that are the usual suspects for its failure.

1. Poor project initiation

The PMBOK identifies 5 project management phases or lifecycles. The first one is the project initiation phase. Most experts believe that it is the most crucial among the phases. A common mistake that usually happens here […]

By |July 26, 2019|

Basecamp 2 or Basecamp 3: Do You Need To Switch?

Basecamp online project management and team communication software is one of the pioneers in cloud productivity tools. The company 37signals started in 1999 as a web design company. To manage their projects, they developed Basecamp as an internal project management tool. In 2004, they shifted to web applications development and offered Basecamp to the public. Basecamp 2 was released in 2012, and the original Basecamp became Basecamp Classic. In 2014, Basecamp 3 was released. Also, the company renamed itself to Basecamp.

Basecamp 2

When Basecamp 2 was released, it offered a new interface, a discussion board, and several collaboration features. It enables people to be more organized and work better together towards a common goal. The PM tool keeps all project communication in one place and offers a better alternative than email for collaboration. Users are able to send status reports to their teammates. Also, they are able to manage multiple projects at the same time. Today, Basecamp 2 is still supported and secure. The company applies security […]

By |July 25, 2019|

Asana Custom Fields – Add in a Single Project or Track across the Organization

Asana project tracking software enables teams, departments, and companies to track and manage all kinds of work. They rely on the application to help them track the stage of a project, the priority level of a ticket, or the cost of a product. When custom fields became available in 2016, customers were able to track different types of work specific to their organization. Just recently, Asana has updated their custom fields feature and made it even more flexible. For a powerful reporting and exporting tool for Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try.

Custom Fields = Track Anything

Custom fields allow users to add additional data to tasks in their Asana projects. These special, customizable containers make it possible to track almost anything across tasks and projects. For example, teams can create fields for work stage to help them track how work is progressing. They can create fields for priority level to help them see the importance or urgency of a ticket or request. A […]

By |July 22, 2019|

Achieve Inbox Zero with Asana

If we ask people to describe their inbox, it is possible that only a few can honestly describe it as manageable. Most will probably say that their inbox is out of control. It may contain hundreds or even a thousand emails, mostly unread. Some may date back to more than a year from senders who they do not even remember.

We all wish that our email inbox would look neat and organized, with only a few emails, mostly read and already responded to. However, email has become the central hub of our communication, be it personal or work-related. Unfortunately, email was not designed for work management.

A Complex Problem

In 2022, email would be 50 years old, and yet people are depending on it as if it’s at the prime of its youth. One reason email has been overused is because it is so easy to use. We use email even though a quick phone call or a face-to-face chat would be sufficient.

Another problem is the carbon copy (CC:) function. When […]

By |July 4, 2019|
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