Kanban Boards or Task Lists: Which is Better for Your Team?
Project management enables teams and companies to successfully bring an undertaking from point A to point B. Project management software is a tool that helps make this attempt done in a more organized and efficient manner. Projects are usually broken down to smaller, more manageable tasks. Tasks are then assigned to teams or individuals who will be responsible and accountable for completing them. Today’s PM tools offer several ways in presenting tasks. Among the most popular are the simple task lists and the modern Kanban boards.
Which is better?
Before we determine the best task management presentation, we have to answer a fundamental question: who is your team? Productivity methodology seems to be a very personal, or team-specific, thing. What works for one might not work for another. Another question to think about is what stage in the project lifecycle are you now?
Task Lists – One at a time
Pros: Task lists are great project planning tools. It is simple and easy to do, which is an important factor when […]