
Asana in the News: January 22, 2018

Our goal is to monitor everything in the press about the Asana collaboration tool on a daily basis. Here is a summary of articles found on the Internet about Asana on the 22nd of January, 2018. All the articles below are great articles about how Asana can complement your business needs. You have a link to each article if you want to read it, and also a Twitter link if you want to contact the author for more information.

If you are an Asana user and need a great reporting and exporting tool, we recommend using our own tool Bridge24 for Asana.

Why I Use a Printed Notebook for Ideas and Planning

Article Quote: “When it comes to note taking, I started with a spiral notebook back in college, then years later gravitated to a computer. I’ve used various note apps that evolved early, then tried Evernote, but settled on Apple Notes (It’s free, simple and clean.) To-do apps were the same – I tried Wunderlist, Trello, Asana, […]

By |January 23, 2018|

Bridge24 News: New website, Asana start date support, and more

Happy New Year everyone! 2017 went out with a bang, and we are looking forward to a great 2018! Our continuing resolution that is always top of mind: Continue to listen to our users and add more value within Bridge24.

A New Website for a New Year!

If you haven’t been to the site in a while, the look and feel have been completely revamped. It has much more light and airy feel to it and now matches the similar feeling you have from within the Bridge24 application. Messaging is clearer and more straightforward for new users.

Asana Start Date Support


If you are using an Asana Premium workspace, then you were recently provided with additional functionality allowing the input and use of Start dates in addition to the existing Due dates. The field has been made active within Bridge24! This allows you to access, report and export this field from the grid, board and calendar views.

By |January 19, 2018|

Asana Introduces the CSV Importer Feature

Asana is a project tracking and management application for teams. It can be used for tracking and managing projects from initiation to closing. Although spreadsheets are still popularly used for project planning, its ease of use begins to diminish once the project starts moving. Spreadsheets are limited and less flexible when it comes to collaborative work, for being shareable and up-to-date. However, using a more suited application can mean starting all over again. Teams do not want that. And they do not have to anymore, with the new CSV importer feature in Asana. For a powerful extension to Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try, or access it on their Integration page.

Asana Advantage Over Spreadsheets

Asana has several advantages over spreadsheets as a project tracking and management application. A project plan in Asana is ready for collaboration. Multiple team members can update the plan to show the actions they are taking for the different tasks. They can assign work, share files, and communicate […]

By |January 15, 2018|

Basecamp 3 Brings The Pings Menu Back

Basecamp project management and team communication software helps its users organize their project tasks, documents, and communications in a central workspace. Most customers report having a better handle on their business after bringing their work in Basecamp. Other benefits of having a centrally organized project management application are increased project visibility and team accountability. Also, teams can launch their projects faster, but with fewer meetings. For a great extension to Basecamp, we recommend you use our own tool Bridge24 for Basecamp.

A Unified Hey! Inbox

Last mid-December 2017, the company announced a visual refresh to make the application easier to use. One of the first major changes centered on the simplification of the navigation bar. From 7 items on the menu, it was reduced to 4, namely: Home, Hey!, Activity, and Find. Under the Hey! menu, users will also find their Pings direct messages and Campfires chat rooms. And as previously, users can find their posts, comments, assignments, check-ins, and @mentions there also.

By |January 10, 2018|

Basecamp 3 – Phase #1 Redesign Goes Live

Basecamp started in 1999, and since then went through a few transformations. Today, it is on its version 3, and it continues to provide users all the tools that their teams need for project management and collaboration. Recently, the Basecamp team announced that they will be rolling out some visual refinements over the next few months. Their aim is to minimize the complexities that have build up over time. They believe they can add power and clarity while making the app feel simpler and more approachable to users. In fact, Phase 1 redesign is now live. For a great extension to Basecamp, we recommend you use our own tool Bridge24 for Basecamp.

New Simplified Navigation

The first visual refresh in Basecamp 3 is centered around simplified global navigation at the top of the screen. Now, there are only 5 menu items on top: Home, Pings, Hey!, Activity, and Find. On the initial launch, the Pings menu was consolidated into and fell under Hey! However, they brought it […]

By |December 18, 2017|

Latest Asana Includes A More Powerful Calendar

Asana provides users several views to help manage their tasks, schedules, and other project information in a more understandable and sensible way. Some of the views are list view, board view, progress view, and even a files view that filters tasks with attachments. Another view available is the Calendar view that shows tasks with due dates in a calendar format. A few days ago, the latest version of this PM app introduces a more powerful calendar that will help show a more accurate view of one’s work. For a powerful extension to Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try, or access it on their Integration page.

Enhanced Calendar View

The enhanced Calendar view in Asana lets people visualize when their work is actually happening, and this is in real-time. In truth, schedules change and dates shift all the time, but instead of passing the responsibility to the user to update it in multiple places, the Calendar does it for him or her. Calendar view […]

By |December 12, 2017|

Basecamp 3 Announces New To-do Groups

Basecamp is a business solution that allows growing companies to organize everything in one workspace. It is an online project management and team communication software that gets everyone on the same page. With every team member and stakeholder knowing exactly what is going on, they are able to get projects off the ground faster. It is also an application that sets out to provide useful features regularly, like its new To-do Groups. For a great extension to Basecamp, we recommend you use our own tool Bridge24 for Basecamp.

Introducing To-do Groups

Basecamp 3 introduces To-do Groups in its latest release. Basically, a group is a sublist on a list. It has a header, and to-dos grouped together below. It provides structure and organization on a single flat list. A To-do Group is a movable item. It can be isolated, reviewed or discussed on its own. Users can archive it or ungroup it. Before the launch of To-do Groups, Basecamp users get creative and try to use arbitrary […]

By |December 12, 2017|

Asana – Siri Integration For Creating Tasks

Asana is a work tracking and project management application built for teams. It has features and tools that enable users to track the team’s work from start to finish. Aside from managing projects, they can also use it to keep organized and productive, for Agile management, for workflows, reporting and more. It also works well with other tools that people are already using. Recently, it announced integration with Siri, Apple’s intelligent personal assistant included in iOS. For a powerful extension to Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try, or access it on their Integration page.

Hey Siri

Asana now works with Siri to enable users of both applications a new way for adding tasks, reminders, and work easily. They can quickly create to-dos by telling Siri to remind them about the upcoming conference, or a letter that they need to send to a colleague. The Siri integration allows a user to quickly capture or record an idea, and keep it moving forward without having […]

By |December 8, 2017|

Bridge24 News: Premium Subscription Plan

We have been working on refining Bridge24 and adding more features and value over the last year. Bridge24 is now at a stage of maturity moving out of our free beta period towards a new Subscription-based model.

Plan Information

After much consultation with our current users, we have introduced 2 available selections opting for a simplified subscription model, a Free and a Premium-level:

You are automatically subscribed to the free version upon creating your account. You can use the Free version for as long as you would like. You can see from above the reason to upgrade to the Premium level allows the removal of 3 limitations in the Free version, namely:

  • Custom filter limit set to 3 filters
  • Task History retrieval set to the last 7 days (other time periods outside of this period are blocked)
  • Data export limited to 50 entries in the export file

To Upgrade, simply click on the Go Premium button, or unlock icon

By |December 1, 2017|

Asana Introduces Comment-Only Projects

Asana facilitates project collaboration among teams and their external partners. They are able to manage their projects, organize their documents, and communicate more clearly and quickly with one another. As a result, teams are more productively moving work forward to the benefit of all. Collaboration is key in obtaining instant clarification and feedback. However, without the proper control and permission, it can also lead to unintentional mistakes and unwanted damage. To lock things down more securely, Asana is announcing the availability of comment-only projects in Asana Premium. For a powerful extension to Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try, or access it on their Integration page.

Comment-only Project and Use Cases

Asana is being used by a great number of teams for different project collaboration and other purposes. For example, people use the app in setting up IT request projects, where employees can easily add requests. However, some projects may require a lot of input from others but should only have a few who […]

By |November 16, 2017|
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