The Importance of Checklists in the Workplace

Simply put, a checklist is a list of items for consideration. They can come in several forms, like a list of questions or actions to be carried out. They can be accompanied by checkboxes ticked off when that list item has been completed. People accept the results of a completed checklist as reliable and trustworthy. Thus, it is used as a memory aid or a job tool to ensure all issues have been considered.

Why We Fail

The human brain is capable of holding 4.7 million books in memory. And yet, there is no lack of documented failures in our history. So, why do people still fail, even though we can hold significant information and use many skills? According to philosophers, we die for two reasons: ignorance and ineptitude. We fail, firstly, because we do not have the information to perform a task. We forget also because, although we have the information, we cannot […]

By |2023-12-14T16:31:15-05:00December 9, 2023|

Top 10 Best Project Management Software & Tools in 2024

Project Management Software has seen significant evolution over the last ten years. Advancements in technology, cloud computing, and the increasing need for remote and flexible work have all influenced the development of Project Management Software. This has resulted in features such as real-time collaboration, mobile compatibility, more advanced reporting and analytics, and increased user-friendliness.

Additionally, integrating Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has become a crucial aspect of modern Project Management Software, providing enhanced productivity, performance, and overall efficiency.

The Top 10 Project Management Software

1. AceProject

AceProject is a web-based project management tool designed to handle projects from start to finish. It provides a comprehensive solution for individuals, teams, and enterprises to manage critical workflows and eliminate uncertainties. With the flexibility to suit any project, this online collaboration and time-tracking software can be easily deployed as […]

By |2023-12-14T16:21:43-05:00December 8, 2023|

Trello – Backup & Export your Documents & Files in Bulk

A heavily requested feature for Trello users of Bridge24, we are excited to provide access to the File Download Manager. This allows the punctual or bulk download of files (attachments) associated with cards (documents, images, other) within a card, a search set of cards, a board, or across multiple boards. It has been optimized to track the transfer status and provides an index and log in structured zip files. Whether just with a few attachments or a full backup of 10s of GBs of files, this feature is robust and gets the job done!

File Download Manager usage

1) Active Search results

Be sure to create a Search or use the Quick links to access and display your Active search results in the Grid. You can then filter the returned cards as desired to include the cards with attachments that you are interested in downloading. (Option – Use the column […]

By |2023-02-21T13:57:31-05:00February 21, 2023|

Asana – Backup & Export your Attachments & Files in Bulk

A heavily requested feature for Asana users of Bridge24, we are excited to provide access to the Asana File Download Manager. This allows the punctual or bulk download of files (attachments) associated with tasks (documents, images, others) within a task, a search set of tasks, a project, or across multiple projects.

It has been optimized to track the transfer status and provides an index and log in structured zip files. Whether just with a few attachments or a full backup of 10s of GBs of files, this feature is robust and gets the job done!

File Download Manager usage

1) Active Search results

Be sure to create a Search or use the Quick links to access and display your Active search results in the Grid. You can then filter the returned tasks as […]

By |2023-02-18T18:38:45-05:00February 18, 2023|

How To Manage Influencer Marketing Campaigns Effectively With Task Management Software

Influencer marketing campaigns are becoming more popular every day, and more companies are investing in this promotion direction. Benchmark Report suggests that the Influencer Marketing Industry grew to approximately $13.8 billion in 2021.

However, in order for the influencer campaigns to bring tangible results for your business, you need to closely monitor, manage, and gauge the success of your endeavor.

Not only do you need to have particular systems in place that give you insight into the influencer campaign’s performance, but you also need to employ tried-and-true task management software to help you better organize your work.

What Is an Influencer Marketing Campaign?

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that involves cooperating with thought-leaders (known as influencers) who have a large base of followers with the aim of endorsing a service or a product. This marketing direction is particularly compelling thanks to the […]

By |2022-07-18T13:25:25-04:00February 3, 2022|

Basecamp versus Trello: Comparison

Project management systems have become essential for every business’s smooth functioning and management – big or small. Over the years, project management as a technique has been boosting project success to new heights, and its relevant tools and software have become a must-have for organizations. 

With so many alternatives available in the market today, it can be tricky to choose the perfect PM system suiting your needs. From multinational e-commerce companies to local escape rooms in Bangalore, PM tools can address subtlest requirements specific to your business. Since there are so many factors that you can take into account while choosing a PM tool for your needs. Here is something to make life easier for you.

Let’s take a look at the break-up and comparison of the features of two of the most popular PM systems – Basecamp and Trello.

Basecamp A project tool that is simple, adaptable, and only contains the features that you require. It […]

By |2022-06-16T15:26:23-04:00February 3, 2022|

Software Development in 2022: Benefit Using the Help of Popular Task Management Tools

If you’re facing issues with inefficient task execution, missing deadlines, and lack of communication within your team, task management tools are what you need. These solutions can help you effectively overcome these challenges and optimize business processes within your organization quickly and effortlessly.

The task management software market is expected to reach annual revenue of 4.33 billion U.S. dollars by 2023, meaning this solution is worth attention. Keep reading to get familiar with the best task management tools for teams and individuals and define their benefits in order to choose the appropriate software.

Software Development Process

The software development process comprises six stages: planning, analysis, design, development, testing, and maintenance.  When following these phases, the development process becomes predictable and manageable. However, companies still risk facing issues with prioritizing tasks and tracking time, which can be easily solved using task management tools for small businesses.

Team […]

By |2022-05-24T14:44:09-04:00January 11, 2022|

Bridge24 for Asana Improvements – Start Time and Multi-select Custom Fields

Asana recently added a number of features including start times, and multi-select custom fields. Bridge24 has incorporated both of these upgrades into the interface to use throughout.

Start time inclusion

Use start times on the Edit panel, as well as view the data in the Grid and use in reports, history, and exports. On the Edit panel, you can click on the time icon and modify the values directly and update to Asana:

Multi-select Custom Field usage

Multi-select custom fields contain more than one value. Add the column to the Grid to view. When used within a Report or Chart, the grouping will be applied to each value present. This means that a task can appear more than once within a report (depending on the number of values in its multi-select field).

By |2022-05-24T14:31:38-04:00December 13, 2021|

Creating a Kudo Company Culture in Trello

Unfortunately, many employers overlook the massive positive impact even the slightest acknowledgment can have on an employee’s motivation. Studies have shown that lack of recognition is still a leading factor in employee dissatisfaction.

With all of the technology available to streamline business functions, it is easy to get lost in focussing only on the data or performance of our business. The trick is combining both technology and the human touch to give much-deserved credit to our employees. Harnessing your existing business tools to do so is a great way to show your team that their hard work does not go unnoticed.

One of these tools is Trello, a collaboration tool that helps organize your projects into boards. This tool gives you and your team a clear view of what tasks require attention, who is responsible for the execution, and deadlines for each of these tasks. While Trello was designed as an effective organizational tool, […]

By |2022-05-25T15:24:32-04:00October 13, 2021|

New Basecamp Gantt Chart / Calendar view in Bridge24

A heavily requested feature for Basecamp 3 users of Bridge24, we are excited to provide access to the Gantt Chart view. This view is very flexible in that it can use any date field as a punctual date or as a start and end dates. This allows you, therefore, to view a timeline of any activity in a continuous calendar across all Projects, and dynamically filter as required. Additionally, a new Calendar view is also now available.

How to use Gantt View

1) Active Search results

The Gant view is based on the Active Search and Filter results currently in the returned selection set. The Gantt view is able to display to-dos across multiple projects. Click on the Gantt view to display the chart.

2) Set Date(s) to use

The traditional use of a Gantt chart is in planning, where the […]

By |2022-05-26T14:25:49-04:00June 17, 2021|
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