
Trello On A Contemplative Mood After Expanding Its Business With 1.1 Million Active Users

logo-trelloAfter crossing the mark of 1.1 million users every single day and tripling sales to $10 million in recurring revenue annually, collaboration giant Trello is now getting contemplative about enterprise growth and big businesses while remaining a happy associate to Slack, a cloud-based team collaboration software co-founded by Serguei Mourachov. Trello is now following in the footsteps of Slack of transforming major businesses into loyal paying customers.

Micahel Pryor, CEO of Trello, loves to imagine the modern office as a unique rescue mission which is totally a new concept unheard of before. Slack is a fantastic online communication tool that enables co-workers to share ideas faster by eradicating internal chains of emails. Pryor labels Slack as “The Radio” and states that Trello is the GPS of a team

The actual software of Trello looks like a digital sticky note rather than a tool for bringing some respite to your team.  However, the heavy number of users indicates they offer much more than what you conceive on a […]

By |May 25, 2016|

Comparison with Asana; Localization and Global Marketing Success

In-The-News-TrelloTrello is a popular team productivity and collaboration tool with more than a million of daily active users. In this news list’s first section, the tool’s features are compared to another popular cloud application’s features in the article Trello vs Asana: The Best Project Management App? Next, Trello’s International Marketing Lead was interviewed for tips on the product’s success in Trello Teaches How They Nailed Localization and Global Marketing.

Trello vs Asana: The Best Project Management App?

Business 2 Community is a business blog site whose mission is to create an open community for business professionals in sharing their thoughts, increasing exposure and networking with others. In this article, Benjamin Brandall, a content writer for Process Street, presents Asana first, then Trello, in terms of each app’s features and usability. He provides background information of each application, discusses their most important features, and lists each app’s pros and con. Making the comparison from the point of view of a user of both apps working on projects with a team, […]

By |May 25, 2016|

How Bloguettes Improved Organization and Productivity With Trello

bloguettes logoTrello is an online productivity app that lets users manage projects and organize work in a flexible and visual way. In the first section of this article, we learn about how the team at Bloguettes, a social media training and resource company, is using Trello and loving the way it has made work for them easier. In the second section, marketing director Nina shares how she uses Trello on a weekly schedule. Finally, a before and after app review of the productivity tool is presented by three team members. To know more about their latest posts, follow them on their Twitter account.

Why We Love Trello

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Bloguettes is a site/company that helps people develop their personal or their business’s online and social media presence. They manage and share a great amount of information such as articles and videos which require organizing and easy collaboration. This first video shows how the different department heads use Trello. Nina at marketing described how the tool helps her create […]

By |May 24, 2016|

Trello News: Working on Architecture Projects, Integrating with Flock, and Becoming a Social Media Pro

In-The-News-TrelloTrello continues to be popular with professionals and teams, whether for business communications or for social media applications. In this news list, we present how an architect created an e-book about working with projects using Trello project management in Working With Trello-PM. Also, the team behind Flock communication app details in their blog how the chat software can work with the popular productivity tool in an article titled Basics of Integration: Flock and Trello. Finally, a social media guru shares valuable tips in how to be organized using the app with her 10 Ways Trello Will Make You a Social Media Management Pro.

Working With Trello-PM

Architekwiki is a resource for architects and designers of buildings, and is a brainchild of Rick Wolnitzek. Rick founded an architectural firm in 1980, and based on his experience, he found out that experience is not enough for architects to solve the many problems they face. He believes that a standardized, checklist-based project management is the solution, and project objectives can […]

By |May 23, 2016|

Trello’s Advice on Freemium SaaS to Aspiring Entrepreneurs with Kristen Habacht

logo-trelloBowery Capital’s Mike Brown Jr. interviewed Kristen Habacht, VP Sales at Trello, about their continued success in acquiring users and their transitioning  sales processes within their freemium based model. The freemium model has existed since inception, and is part of the core values of the company. Trello, now reaching 13,000,000 users, with 100,000 new users signing up each week, is continuing a transition into monetizing their vast userbase by offering value added professional/business functionalities on top of its core, more consumer based offering. This transition requires a new way of interaction with users that Kristen is tasked with while lining up to the existing Trello company culture.

Of the topics covered, a number of themes emerged from the discussion about the Freemium model and good Saas sales practices in general. A few of the main takeaways include:

The importance of talking and listening to your users, and proper product communication

Understanding the users’ needs and taking the time to listen is paramount. This […]

By |May 5, 2016|

Asana Tips – Archive Projects, Complete Overdue Tasks and Divide Tasks into Subtasks

logo-asanaIt’s springtime and one of the favorite phrases we hear from folks eager to improve their lives is ‘Spring Cleaning!’. It doesn’t necessarily have to be just about scrubbing your floors and cleaning your closets, however. By keeping track of your important projects and tasks in Asana, and carrying out a bit of tidying up every now and then can have a huge impact on your work efficiency and performance.

Archive Projects

Asana gives users the ability to have as many projects as they want and to store information for an indefinite period of time. But to keep your dashboard from turning into a cluttered mess, it is advisable to archive the old project to make thing neater on the sidebar. By archiving old projects, you’ll be removing it from the search results and projects list, but they are still accessible for reference at any time.

All you need to do to archive a project is:

  • Open the project you wish to archive
  • Click the carrot icon next to the project’s name to display possible actions
  • Click “Archive Project.”

Simple […]

By |May 3, 2016|

Trello News: Innovative ways to manage your tasks, improving productivity and ideas to pitch clients

In-The-News-Trello If you’ve used Kanban within the project management industry or for personal use, you’ll more than likely love Trello. This is one of the most easy-to-use tools from among the wide variety of project management apps available in the market. The simplicity of the interface makes it very easy to manage complex procedures and projects. It comes as no surprise that the app is now being widely used by top companies like Google, Adobe and PayPal. Launched in September 2011, Trello has been ranked as the number one tool for project management and task management by many software review websites including GetApp. Here are 3 amazing blog posts on how Trello can be used to make your life simpler and easier.

8 Innovative Ways To Manage Your Tasks And Projects

HubSpot is a leading internet marketing company which was founded in 2006 by Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan. They have a robust and easy-to-use set of applications, because of which businesses of all sizes can attract, delight […]

By |May 1, 2016|

Asana News: Polish Week Updates

In-The-News-AsanaAt Asana, Polish Week is an important event. It is a week-long event aimed at identifying and making small changes that make big impacts. There were new Polish Week features that were rolled out in late February, as well as the Dashboard Views feature that was rolled out in April. However, that is not all. Here are some further improvements as a part of Polish Week.

Using Quick Add to Attach Files

It is now easy to create a new task using Quick Add. It is an ideal and easy way of writing the to-do list from anywhere on the app. Adding attachments has been made incredibly easy. To attach a file using Quick add, click the ‘+’ icon on the top bar. From the resulting drop down, select ‘Task’, then ‘Attachments’. You can attach files from DropBox, Google Drive, Box or your local hard drive. In addition, before finalizing the attachment, you will see a preview to make sure everything is in order.


Modify Project Owner from the Header

In Asana, the person […]

By |April 28, 2016|

AceProject Updates Its Android App

aceproject-logoAceProject, the web-based project management, time tracking and collaboration software has announced earlier this month of their updated Android version. Following the enhancements made last March for their iOS9 version, the updated Android version now includes new features and performance boost. Users can continue to organize their tasks, track their progress and collaborate with team members while on the go. The update makes it even simpler and faster to add a new task, change status, add and view documents, and more.

Attach Documents

AceProject Android App enables users to securely store, access or share project documents as easily as when they are using browser versions on their desktops. Android devices running version 4.1 or higher will be able to accommodate users who are attaching either one or more documents to the PM system. Documents or images stored in their photo gallery app or from cloud storage apps such as Google Docs, Box, Dropbox or other installed apps can be attached to tasks for proper project documentation. Users […]

By |April 27, 2016|

Trello News: Agile Government Academy, Shape Up your Blog and 10 Ways to Manage your Life

In-The-News-TrelloDo you run an online business and require collaborating with your team to get more productive results? When used in the proper way, task management systems can turn out to be an important factor that determines the success of your business. Trello is one of the top task management systems which is used to make workflow smooth, revised and constant. However, in some cases, when you are handling a heavy number of projects, things can go haywire while using the tool. So how do you get the most out of this incredible system so that your projects and assignments run in a planned and desired way? Here are three latest articles on how Trello is being used by Agile Government Academy, 10 great ways to use the tool to manage your life and how you can shape up your blog with Trello.

Trello For Agile Governement Academy

Agile Gov Leadership (AGL) is a website that brings applied Agile practices to the government. By doing so, they redefine the culture […]

By |April 25, 2016|
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