
Basecamp 3 New Dedicated Menu: My Stuff

Basecamp project management and internal communication application is a simple and centralized system that helps people run their business smoothly. With a minimalist and contextually designed software, companies are able to assign, track, and chart their to-dos without the confusion and complication of using multiple products. And it makes it easy for all types of users with a clear and consistent menu, navigation, and Home screen. Recently, it introduced a new menu called My Stuff that makes working on a bunch of things more smoothly. For a great reporting and exporting tool for Basecamp, we recommend you use our own tool Bridge24 for Basecamp.

The Problem at Home

The Basecamp 3 Home screen brings together access to all of the person’s drafts, bookmarks, and assignments. Home is the go-to place to start the day, or to come back from a pause. When users load the Home screen, they get to see all their important links where they can get back quickly to their assignments, bookmarks, drafts, and […]

By |May 24, 2019|

More Bridge24 Report Enhancements: Including Unlimited Fields!

Sometimes data can overwhelm you. Being able to easily structure your Asana, Basecamp, Trello, or AceProject data in to a presentable and flexible report would be great, wouldn’t it? Well, comments from users keep pouring in and report updates have followed. In the latest update a number of new features are available to add even more flexibility in report creation.

Unlimited fields in your report

No more limit of 4 additional fields. Add any field you want! You can reorder them as well to get that report just right.

Support for landscape and portrait orientation

Change the orientation of the paper to suit your needs! A few extra fields may fit better in your PDF if in landscape mode. If you want to fit even more information, you always have the option to export to Excel which respects the formatting. Using the print options form Excel you can fit width, or fit all, to get what you want on the page.

Interchange wide fields for columns […]

By |May 16, 2019|

Announcing Asana Forms – Collect the Info Your Team Needs

Asana is an online productivity tool for teams. Today, business teams are not only more dispersed and distributed, they are also more diverse. The different perspectives, expertise, and skill sets in modern teams enable them to produce higher quality of work. However, due to the differences also, there is a tendency to get information or feedback from separate channels and from scattered places. As a result, crucial details can be left out, and work starts off poorly. Furthermore, the team gets confused and frustrated, and work misses its deadlines. The solution to this problem is Forms, a new feature that standardizes information collection. For a powerful reporting and exporting tool for Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try.

Asana Forms

Asana Forms is a new feature available to Business plan customers. With Forms, teams can create a simple way for people to request work. It establishes a standard way how people submit information to project teams. Forms ensure that teams can gather vital information up […]

By |April 17, 2019|

Asana February 2019 Release Helps Marketing, Creative Teams Deliver

Asana collaborative project management software provides various teams an effective work management platform. Working with a single platform on a central location, users are able to spend more time working on projects and tasks important for their business. Work continues to evolve, and new tools come into the market. Sometimes though, these tools focus only on one process, like distribution in marketing. However, teams continue to spend more time on other processes, such as planning, creating, reviewing, and approving work. In February 2019, Asana announces several new features and integrations to help teams manage the entire marketing process. For a powerful reporting and exporting tool for Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try.

Milestones, Updated Portfolio Progress View

Asana recognizes that when teams plan a big project, they need a clear way to identify checkpoints and share them with others. The Milestones feature is a visual indicator that mark important points in the project. It is a new task type, and users can mark any […]

By |April 17, 2019|

Wide fields and sorting now available in advanced reports

We receive great comments from our users.  Not only do they indicate what new features they would like to see in the future, but how to improve existing ones, such as Reports. More fields, more flexibility, more comments, add this, add that, if only, etc. We are always attentive and try to incorporate the suggestions we receive. In this latest update, a number of suggestions we implemented and the Reports module has been tweaked and provides more flexibility.

Reports now including Task Description and Comments

Getting all your project or board information neatly placed on a printed sheet of paper is easier said than done. In the first iteration of reports we decided to limit the fields to those containing less information and retrieving only the last comment, etc. Fields such as Task description and comments can sometimes include extreme amounts of information and entering it in a readable format in a one inch or so cell would require a microscope to be useful. These “longer” or wide fields are now available and positioned below the Task […]

By |April 12, 2019|

Trello Enterprise Explained

Trello online collaboration tool enables users to be productive in a simple and fun way. With click and drag functionality, and a system of visual boards, lists and cards, both individuals and teams are able to organize and prioritize projects the way they want to. A free version is ideal for personal productivity, event organization, or family activity planning. Paid versions like the Business Class and Enterprise are valuable for team collaboration, project management, process improvement, and other productivity enhancement. If you are looking for a great reporting and exporting tool for Trello, we suggest trying out our own tool Bridge24 for Trello.

Trello Enterprise

Trello Enterprise is a multiple team collaboration platform that is characterized by the same simplicity and accessibility found in free Trello. It is a more robust Trello Business Class that targets large teams of 100 users and above. An organization with multiple teams can use the tool for communication and collaboration to reduce email chains and frequent meetings. Ready-to-use boards and tools […]

By |April 7, 2019|

Trello Business Class Explained

Trello is an online tool that lets users organize their projects into visual boards, lists, and cards. The application is a great help not only to individual collaborators, but also to teams of different sizes. The free version is used by a wide range of users, such as freelancers offering professional services, educators teaching a class, or a family member planning a vacation. Paid versions, such as Business Class and Enterprise are available for teams and comes with additional features. If you are looking for a great reporting and exporting tool for Trello, we suggest trying out our own tool Bridge24 for Trello.

Trello Business Class

Trello Business Class is a shared space for teams. They can collaborate, communicate, and share information more securely due to its additional privacy controls and other administrative tools. It is ideal for businesses that want greater control of their boards and data. Users are able to view team activity across boards. Individual team members are able to make use of the […]

By |March 25, 2019|

Trello Announces a Team Change, Automation, New Features, Mobile Power-Up

Trello visual project management and team collaboration software helps people accomplish great things. Aside from aiding them in managing projects, teams use the application to build and grow companies, to make learning and education fun, and even to keep public offices organized and ready for service. Today, over one million teams are actively using the software, with more than 70 percent utilizing it to solve problems and create solutions at work. Trello is announcing a change in how many boards Teams can create, the availability of automation, new enterprise features, and more. If you are looking for a great reporting and exporting tool for Trello, we suggest trying out our own tool Bridge24 for Trello.

A Change in Trello Teams

As Trello aims to be the preferred tool for managing projects at work, it introduces a change in Teams. A Team of users can easily organize boards and members to be able to collaborate better. Teams can be free, be part of Business Class, or Trello Enterprise. Business […]

By |March 21, 2019|

Bridge24 New Features and Recent Activities

We are keeping busy here are Bridge24. The past month or so has seen a number of improvements and new features to make your reporting and exporting more powerful and easier.

New Charts & Reports

Charts and Reports by:

  • Completion Status (Asana, Trello, Basecamp) and Archived Status (Trello)
  • Label name & Tasks by label color (Asana, Trello)

New Pre-determined Due/Deadline date Filters

Quick access filters “by deadline” available from the left tree view for Basecamp, Trello, and AceProject (Asana coming).

Access Archived project contents (Basecamp)

Accessible from the left treeview or from a Personal filter. When selecting from the filter, the project is indicated with (Archived) or (Trashed) label

Rapid access to Completed tasks/cards/to-dos

Rapid access to view All tasks, to-dos, cards (including completed) directly in the Grid through new drop-down selector on the top right of the Grid interface. The options are: Incomplete (tasks) / All (tasks).



Performance Enhancements

Client/browser side caching for improved performance after first connection has been implemented for […]

By |March 15, 2019|

Asana Rolls Out New Feature Milestones for Better Visualization

Asana helps teams collaborate better, so they can focus on goals and projects. Users are able to concentrate on their daily tasks, visualize the greater effort and share progress easily. During the course of the project, the completion of a certain number of tasks at a certain point in time can signify if things are proceeding as planned. However, tracking the progress of multiple tasks with different end dates can take more time. Recently, Asana rolled out a clearer way to identify larger project checkpoints through Milestones. The new feature provides teams a good indication of how their project is progressing. For a powerful reporting and exporting tool for Asana, give our own tool Bridge24 for Asana a try.

Mark with Milestones

Milestones are new visual indicators that mark important points in a project. They appear as a diamond icon or figure visible in several views. This feature is available to all Premium, Business and Enterprise customers. It helps keep everyone aligned on progress, and also give teams […]

By |March 3, 2019|
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