
Get Things Done with Trello

Get Things Done With TrelloGet Things Done with Trello: Your Quick Access to Productivity and Success includes a Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up and Implement Trello makes the task of organizing your life much easier. It’s all about clearing your mind and putting everything you ought to do in a single place first. This book discusses on two tools with the help of which you can boost your productivity-TRELLO and GTD. The author has managed to amalgamate both the tools and create a reliable system that can help in the better management of tasks besides getting your projects organized easily. When you finish reading the book, you’ll discover that the TRELLO GTD system can handle every type of goal irrespective of its size.

Book Details

The book comes in both the Kindle and Paperback versions, and was published on July 22, 2014 by Organized Living Press. The Paperback version has 96 pages, with the front cover displaying the author’s name on the top and the […]

By |February 25, 2016|

Top 5 ways to turn your emails into tasks

Turn your emails into tasksCombining emails and to-dos may not be a feasible idea; however, segregating the two can be a tough row to hoe. So, let’s settle for a comfortable medium.

How about getting rid of these emails and transforming them into tasks? This can be easily achieved since the current lot of task management apps come with an in-built system that help you change your emails into to-dos without having to abandon your inbox.

Take a look at this article to find out how this works in some of the widely used task management apps.

asana-logo_600w1. Asana

When you use Asana to email tasks to a given email with the name of the task in the subject line, the app directs it to the section titled “My Tasks” present in the default Workspace or Organization. To do this, go to “My Profile Settings” and click on “From Email” as shown below.


By |February 25, 2016|

Basecamp News: Organize, Collaborate and Manage, Best for Website Design Projects and more

Basecamp In Tne NewsBasecamp 3 is the latest version of this popular and pioneering project management and collaboration tool. Its redesign and new features have delighted its loyal customers as well as bring in new admirers. It is one of the PM tools of choice especially by web design and digital marketing agencies, as evident in this news list. Read about also how a freelancer/entrepreneur organizes her client projects with a step-by-step guide in using Basecamp.

Using Basecamp to Manage Website Design Projects

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VIEO Design is a web design and marketing agency, a HubSpot Gold Certified Partner Agency, whose expertise is in inbound marketing. In this article, the author shared how the company is able to manage multiple projects, communicate with clients, designers and writers, as well as collect, analyze and share data. All these are done with the help of Basecamp, a user-friendly online project management software that is ideal for their website design projects. The article also […]

By |February 25, 2016|

Creating a Detailed Multi-client Content Calendar with Trello

TRELLO_Editorial_CalendarManaging content for multiple clients is no small task. A coherent content/editorial calendar can be the key to helping content teams stay on top of the work. At Heroic Search, we’ve created ours in Trello. Trello is great because it offers a variety of tools that can be used in whatever way is most helpful.

Very basically, here’s how it works: Each piece of content to be generated gets a card on the Content Calendar board. As the piece moves through our workflow, its card moves through lists representing that workflow.

Setting up the board

The Content Calendar should be its own Trello board. When you create it, add everyone who will be working on any part of the content as a member. This will allow you to assign them to relevant cards and will enable them to subscribe to lists and cards to get notifications of actions and comments related to their particular tasks.

You will also want to enable Calendar Mode. This will give you a clear picture of […]

By |February 25, 2016|

Trello News: Podcast Organizer, Performance Tracker, Whiteboard Simulator and more

Trello is being used in a variety of ways by a number of its customers. This news list describes some of the innovative and unconventional ways it has been used so far, and it seems it is as flexible as one’s imagination will allow. Read along how creative people make use of it in podcast production, keep track of statistics, track goals, and even plan and manage life.


How to Create a Podcast Production Schedule with Google Calendar and Trello

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Pod Parrot, a company that provides complete podcast services to small business owners and podcasters, wrote a step-by-step guide for helping people to manage podcast production using two online tools, one of which is Trello. In four steps, the article discussed and explain how to start by getting familiarized with the tools, signing up for a free Trello account, working out the schedule, creating cards and lists, and sharing it with teammates. The article also discussed how to […]

By |February 24, 2016|

Asana News: Teams, Onboarding, Email Tips, Tasks and more

Asana In The NewsLearn about how a company uses Asana in their own way to create teams and onboarding conventions to keep their growing team organized. Meet two people behind the Asana team that keep customers signing up and staff working happily. Read about also how the popular app makes the best productivity apps list, and how easily it can turn emails into tasks.

The Sticker Mule Guide to Asana

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Sticker Mule is a custom sticker printing company based in New York. It helps thousands of individuals, bloggers, artists, startups and companies order custom stickers that are printed beautifully and shipped quickly. Co-founder Anthony Thomas shared in their blog how they use Asana as their task management platform. They created top level categories set up as teams for product design, development, operations, marketing, customer service and human resources. They also created conventions to help new team members embrace the platform to keep the growing team better organized.

Contact the […]

By |February 23, 2016|

Do Better With Asana: Your Guide To Doing Great Things With Asana

Do-Better-With-AsanaDo Better With Asana: Your Guide To Doing Great Things With Asana is an ultimate guide on how to make the most of Asana-a mobile and web application developed to help teams keep a track on their work. The flexibility of the free app may sometimes leave you awestruck on the task to be done next, or the best methods to setup your tags and projects, or if you should use an organization, workspaces or projects. This handy book reveals the secrets on how to be extraordinarily productive and meticulous in all these areas.

Book Details

The book, which was published on February 10, 2015, comes in a Kindle edition. It has 179 pages, with the file size being 693KB. The cover displays the names of the authors at the bottom portion on a background of sky blue. The Text to speech feature has been enabled to help the visually impaired get an idea on using Asana.


$2.93 for the kindle edition

By |February 22, 2016|

Trello Project Management: Easy, Shared, Online To Do Lists

Course Description

udemy-logo-300x102Trello Project Management: Easy, Shared, Online To Do Lists is a course from Udemy that covers every important aspect you need to know in order to work with Trello and enhance your productivity levels. This enjoyable course will help you use the app in a variety of ways like outlining of a book, party planning and being able to collaborate with your team members on a project.

Trello is a web-based free app that can improve your output efficaciously. Companies, such as the New York Times, Trip Advisor, Tumblr and Adobe use Trello to manage their projects. By taking this course, you’ll actually be able to complete things on your to-do list on time and it can be taken by anyone who wants to work in teams.

Course Price



Student Requirements

The course is available to people of all levels. Since, this is a pretty long course, it covers everything from introduction to Trello to Add-ons  & software […]

By |February 21, 2016|

Asana iOS App’s New and Updated Features

asana ios imageAsana online project tracking and work management software very recently announced the latest improvements included in the updated iOS app. The entire application was redesigned to reflect the new colors, animations, layouts, and icons of the rebranded software. Their native Android app celebrated its first year a few weeks ago, and it is the iOS app’s turn to be in the spotlight. New and improved features is experienced when people join conversations, make attachments, format texts, set due dates and times, among many others.

Catch up with the Team

When Asana users tap the chat bubble icon, they will see the Conversations page of the Workspace or Organization they are currently viewing. It will list the different Conversations for the projects and teams they are members of, and they can easily read and review posts, and join the conversations, even on the go. They can add file attachments from their mobile device, and even attach videos to tasks and conversations. Users can also see thumbnail images of […]

By |February 17, 2016|

Trello Releases Easier Invites, Comment Links, and More

trello whats newTrello web-based productivity and collaboration software recently announced the release of several new features. It made news some months ago when CEO Michael Pryor mentioned that as many as 120,000 new users are signing up for the application every week. In response to that, it will now be easier for users to invite even more people to join their boards. Also, users can share links to comment faster and easier for other people to read. Users have a quicker access to helpful tips as well as to integrations.

Easier Invites with Links

Trello users can invite other people to join their visual productivity and collaboration boards by sending out invitation through email. However, this means that for a user to send an invitation, he or she must first know the email address of the one being invited. And that would probably mean having to look it up, from a physical address book, opening an email contacts list, or some other application.

A faster way to invite with the […]

By |February 16, 2016|
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