Why You Should You Use Trello to Manage Your Time?

Trello is all about effective time and project management, giving you the tools to organize and visualize relevant tasks. If your priorities change over time, you can easily rearrange them. Trello provides you with boards so you can organize your work or personal responsibilities into lists of cards.
Instead of wasting time on long meetings or email threads, you can simply use this great tool and slip into task-based communication.
It saves you time and safeguards the staff from forgetfulness while also clarifying complex projects. This simple yet powerful system enables you to track tasks across various stages of progress.
What Is Trello Used for?
Although Trello is an excellent tool for project management that can help you with delegating and monitoring tasks, it is also applicable to other areas of your life. You can use it to organize almost anything, as well as increase your own productivity.
Saved Reports using Bridge24 – New Release
Bridge24 provides a powerful reporting capability for Asana, Basecamp, Trello, and AceProject. We now have added the ability to save your Report setup and layout parameters so that multiple report definitions can be used without having to modify it each time.
Accessing saved reports
A new Report list layout has been provided under the Reports area. Access by clicking on the Reports link on the top right (be sure to select your filter to use in the report, since it is contextual). A Report can be copied/duplicated, and within each definition, select different fields and settings. You can drag & drop to order the reports on the list. Click on the name to run it.

Report Parameters
When creating or editing a report, the Report Parameters panel contains the following tabs:
- Setup – set grouping and ordering, as well as orientation
- Fields – regular fields, wide fields such […]
Asana New Features, Enhancements, and Integrations in November-December 2019 Release

Asana project tracking and work management software is providing teams and customers the needed features to help them adapt to changes and move quickly. Indeed, the business landscape and the work environment is continually changing, sometimes slowly but also at times suddenly. With the right tools and capabilities, teams can spend less time coordinating and more time focusing on work that matters. In the last 2 months of 2019, the PM platform released a new feature, several enhancements, and improvements, as well as a couple of new integrations. For a powerful reporting and exporting tools for Asana, give Bridge24 for Asana a try.
New Feature – Portfolio Search and Privacy
Asana released the Portfolio feature for its Business and Enterprise customers in the last quarter of 2018. Since then, new features have been added to the basic capability of monitoring the progress of important initiatives and company objectives. Last December, a […]
How To Use Trello While Seeking A New Job

There is a mixture of feelings when seeking a new job. It can be nerve-racking and exciting at the same time while waiting for a response to be interviewed. It may seem that job hunting is plainly waiting but it is not because one must work hard to get the job. Back in the day, it was doubly difficult when job hunting because one needs to be physically present when submitting an application. Today, the nature of job hunting has also evolved through the use of technology. Thanks to Trello, one can now clearly organize his job hunting. In this article, we will cover the ways on how to use Trello to maximize the chances of getting a prospective employer.
Recommended article: Bridge24: Professional Reporting and Exporting Tools for Trello
From job hunting to finally getting the job
The first thing one must do when searching for a […]
Top 6 Best Basecamp Alternatives

Almost all project managers would agree that Basecamp is a top choice as a project management tool. One of the reasons for this is its fixed monthly fee regardless of the size of the team. However, there are project managers who would go for an alternative tool that has a similar approach to Basecamp. We will cover the 6 best alternatives of Basecamp in this article so one has a reference which tool to go to.
What are the 6 best Basecamp alternatives?
With so many tools to choose from when it comes to project management, how can a project manager spot the one with the best value? Here is a compilation of software that can be the best alternative to Basecamp: Trello, Asana, ProofHub, Monday.com, Hive, and Freedcamp.

Asana vs Basecamp Comparison: Which is Best?

This 2020, project managers have a lot to choose from when it comes to software for project management. For a friendly-user tool, Asana and Basecamp are better among others, but choosing which one to go for is the reason to differentiate them in this article.
When it comes to clients and company success from start-up up to the present, Asana and Basecamp have already proven their value in the market. There are plenty of articles that offer the best reviews about Asana and Basecamp that is why we will focus the discussion on comparing them to figure out the best choice.
Recommended software: Bridge24 for Trello and Bridge24 for Asana.
A Run-down of Asana versus Basecamp
This run-down will have four counts to see which of the two has the best functionality in different scopes. It […]
Asana vs Trello Comparison: Which Tool Is Better? Projects, Boards, Tasks And Other Features Review

Between Asana and Trello, how can a project manager determine which tool is better? Fret not, this article will breakdown the different features between the two, so one can best decide which one fits the most to a project.
The success of Asana and Trello
Although Asana and Trello are both successful, Trello has gained more popularity. Trello has reached over one million active users every day in 2016 and it continued to grow after one acquisition by Atlassian. Today, one million teams are enjoying the services of Trello.
How Trello looked like when it started:

In 2018, Asana proudly had 50,000 paying organizations. The founder of Asana celebrates steady progress and is not intimidated by competitors (including Atlassian) even if it is a smaller company. Trello does […]
5 Agile Trends Project Managers Need To Know About In 2020

Agile has evolved–keep track of the latest Agile trends this year.
Let us take a look at the agile trend that is impacting the world of software development and the industries that are getting into the Agile world.
Agile is the latest and better way of project management that targets covering projects in a wider structure. It usually consists of making plans from big to small and of achievable assignments that are worked on in a shorter span of time. The whole procedure is bound to the four core values:
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Interactions over processes and tools
- Responding to change over following the plan
- Working software over comprehensive documentation
It can be beneficial to adhere to the Agile approach in such a way that it empowers the ones involved. Taking ownership in the workplace and promoting realistic, constant growth. The strategy of Agile has been here for over […]
Self-Management: How To Prioritize And Be More Productive

As humans, people are constantly bombarded with daily tasks– whether at home, at school, or at work. Designed to mobilize the system that comprises the body, people need to keep up with the rest of the human force in order to survive. No one has the power to take control of what is to come; however, choices are available. So it is here that self-management is important.
At night, before sleeping, people think of the things that they will do the next day with a vivid imagination as to how it should be done. Come the next day, an unexpected problem arises and the plans that were thought of the previous night are compromised. Given that, how useful is self-management? And how can a person prioritize and be more productive at the same time?
What is self-management?
Self-management is being in-charge or in control of the things that need to be done with […]
Subtotals and Totals for Reports using Bridge24
A report provides a structured and formated way to view your cards, tasks or to-dos. You can Group your report to easily segment the information into categories down to 2 levels. We have now released the possibility to tally up the information in your fields to each grouped level as well as other operations! Those needing reports using Custom fields in Trello or Asana across boards and projects should be happy with this latest enhancement.
Subtotals for reports